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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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  1. Do {any CONCEPT} {anything}; then EN: 10
    {any CONCEPT} {anything} をして; JP: 10
  2. do {anything}EN: 12
    {anything} をします. JP: 12

Echo As Couples 1/2 Tag:


 As Couples 1/2 Tag
 1/2 Tag
Echo Tandem Hinge:


 Tandem Hinge


 6 By 2 Acey Deucey
 Acey Deucey
Echo Tandem Twosome Cast Off 3/4:


 Tandem Twosome Cast Off 3/4
 Cast Off 3/4

  • Do the entire call without the word Echo; then do the call again without the word Echo and without the first CONCEPTEN: 20
    Echo の言葉をとり除いてコール全体を行い; Echo の言葉とその次の最初の CONCEPT をとり除いてコールをもう一度行います. JP: 20
    • For example, Echo Cross Concentric Spin The Top is a Cross Concentric Spin The Top followed by a Spin The Top (the concept Cross Concentric was removed, not the word Cross). EN: 25
      例えば, Echo Cross Concentric Spin The Top は Cross Concentric Spin The Top をして, Spin The Top をします (Cross Concentric のコンセプトがなくなります, Cross の言葉をなくすのではありません). JP: 25
  • Be careful to remove only the first Concept. For example, take L-H Columns and do a Split Phantom Column Circulate Twice. From this formation, consider an Echo Split Phantom Waves Tandem Spin The Top. It would be a Split Phantom Waves Tandem Spin The Top, followed by a Tandem Spin The Top. EN: 30
    始めのコンセプトだけをとり除くということに注意してください. 例えば, 左の Column から Split Phantom Column Circulate Twice をします. そしてそこから, Echo Split Phantom Waves Tandem Spin The Top を考えてみましょう. この場合, Split Phantom Waves Tandem Spin The Top をして, Tandem Spin The Top をします. JP: 30
  • Used with parts-related Concepts, Echo can quickly get difficult. EN: 50
    パートにかかわるコンセプトと一緒に使うと, Echo は急に難しくなります. JP: 50


    (from R-H Columns): EN: 52
    (右の Column から): JP: 52

    • Echo Tandem 1/4 Thru:
      1.  Tandem 1/4 Thru;
      2.  1/4 Thru.
    • Echo Initially Tandem 1/4 Thru:
      1.  Initially Tandem 1/4 Thru;
      2.  1/4 Thru.
      Yes, the above case could be ambiguous, and could be dependent upon the caller's delivery, you might be tempted to just remove Initially. Since Initially requires a following concept, we believe you should remove both Initially and the follow- ing concept. This is similar to the Echo Cross Concentric situation mentioned previously. EN: 54
      この 2 つ目の例には曖昧さがあり, コーラーのコールの仕方によっては, Initially だけをとり除こうとすることがあり得ます. Initially の次にはコンセプトを必要としますので, 私達は Initially とその次のコンセプトの両方をとり除くべきと考えます. これは, 前に述べた Echo Cross Concentric と同じことです. JP: 54
    • Initially Echo Tandem 1/4 Thru:
      1.  Echo Tandem Right Arm Turn 1/4
      (Tandem Right Arm Turn 1/4 then Right Arm Turn 1/4) EN: 56
      (Tandem Right Arm Turn 1/4 をして Right Arm Turn 1/4) JP: 56
      2.  (Centers) Left Arm Turn 1/2.

Suggestion for callers: Do not use Echo with parts-related concepts at C3B. Only use at C4, and then only sparingly. EN: 80
コーラーへの提案: C3B では, Echo をパート分けにかかわるコンセプトと一緒には使わないようにしてください. C4 でのみ, ひかえめに使ってください. JP: 80

The following extensions of Echo are used at C4: EN: 90
Echo の以下の拡張が C4 で使われています: JP: 90

  • Double Echo Concept1 Concept2 {anything} [C4]:

    • Do the following: EN: 100
      以下を行います: JP: 100
      1.  Concept1 Concept2 {anything};
      2.  Concept2 {anything};
      3.  {anything}.
    • For example, from R-H Columns after everyone does a Squeeze: Double Echo Split Phantom Columns Tandem Scoot Back: Split Phantom Columns Tandem Scoot Back; Tandem Scoot Back; Scoot Back. EN: 110
      例, 右の Column から全員 Squeeze をしたところから: Double Echo Split Phantom Columns Tandem Scoot Back: Split Phantom Columns Tandem Scoot Back; Tandem Scoot Back; Scoot Back. JP: 110
  • Triple Echo Concept1 Concept2 Concept3 {anything} [C4]:

    • Do the following: EN: 100
      以下を行います: JP: 100
      1.  Concept1 Concept2 Concept3 {anything};
      2.  Concept2 Concept3 {anything};
      3.  Concept3 {anything};
      4.  {anything}.
  • Quadruple Echo Concept1 Concept2 Concept3 Concept4 {anything} [C4]:

    • Do the following: EN: 100
      以下を行います: JP: 100
      1.  Concept1 Concept2 Concept3 Concept4 {anything};
      2.  Concept2 Concept3 Concept4 {anything};
      3.  Concept3 Concept4 {anything};
      4.  Concept4 {anything};
      5.  {anything}.
  • Reverse Echo {any CONCEPT} {anything} [C4]:

    • Do the following: EN: 100
      以下を行います: JP: 100
      1.  {anything};
      2.  Concept {anything}.
    • For example, from a Tidal Wave, Reverse Echo Tandem Spin The Top: Spin The Top; Tandem Spin The Top. EN: 120
      例, Tidal Wave から, Reverse Echo Tandem Spin The Top: Spin The Top; Tandem Spin The Top. JP: 120

Choreography for Echo CONCEPT

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23-January-2025 08:15:44
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