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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Cross Chain Reaction [C3A]
   (Norm Poisson)
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From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. EN: 10
適切な一般化された 1/4 Tag から. JP: 10

Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with diagonally facing outside dancers as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (around the outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Centers Star Circulate as Outsides Trade; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 as the others Phantom Hourglass Circulate. EN: 20
Very Centers が斜めに向かい合っている外側の人と Diagonal Pass Thru をする間に Center Line の ends は Counter Rotate 1/4 (外側を回る) をして, each side の Centers が Hinge をし, Centers が Star Circulate をする間に Outsides は Trade をし, each side の Centers が Cast Off 3/4 をする間に他の人は Phantom Hourglass Circulate をします. JP: 20

Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 30
平行な Line で終わります. JP: 30

Cross Chain Reaction
Very Centers and Diagonally-Facing dancers Diagonal Pass Thru
as End of Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 EN: 40

Each side Centers Hinge EN: 50

 Centers Star Circulate
as Outsides Trade
Center Line Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 60


Cross Chain Reaction is the same as Chain Reaction [A1,C1], except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing (instead of a Pass Thru with the directly-facing) Outside dancer. EN: 70
Cross Chain ReactionChain Reaction [A1,C1] と同じですが, Very Centers が斜めに向かい合っている (真っ直ぐではなく) 外側の人と Diagonal Pass Thru する点が異なります. JP: 70

Hint: Those doing the Diagonal Pass Thru should point at each other before moving. Outside dancers not doing the Diagonal Pass Thru should not move until an original Center dancer appears by their side. Should you be an Outside dancer and prematurely turn in anticipation of the Hinge you will likely throw yourself and others out of position. EN: 80
ヒント: Diagonal Pass Thru をする人は, お互いに動く前に point すべきです. さらに, 外側の人で Diagonal Pass Thru をしない人は, center から Diagonal Pass Thru してくる人が隣に来るまで動いてはいけません. また, Hinge を予想して早まって動いてしまうと, 自分もそして他の人も, 位置を間違えてしまうことになるでしょう. JP: 80

anything Cross Reaction [C3A]:

anything Reaction [C3A] を見てください. JP: 90

Cross Chain Reaction But anything [C3AV]:
Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 289
Centers は最後の Cast Off 3/4 を anything call で replace します. JP: 289

CALLERLAB definition for Cross Chain Reaction

Choreography for Cross Chain Reaction

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05-December-2024 13:54:36
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