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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Turn The Key [C3B]
   (Dave Hodson)

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From applicable formations. EN: 10
適切な formation から. JP: 10

  1. Trade;
  2. Counter Rotate 1/4;
  3. Hinge.

Ends in various formations. Turn The Key is a 3-part call. EN: 20
様々な formation で終わります. Turn The Key は 3 パートのコールです. JP: 20

3 & 1 Lines から:

Turn The Key
 Counter Rotate 1/4
1/4 Tag から:

Turn The Key
 Counter Rotate 1/4

  • The Counter Rotate 1/4 is a Concentric ('The Big One') Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 30
    The Counter Rotate 1/4 は, Concentric ('大きい方の') Counter Rotate 1/4 です. JP: 30
  • Turn The Key requires teamwork to be successfully completed. Do each component call precisely and don't rush it. EN: 40
    Turn The Key を成功させるには, チームワークが必要です. 各々の構成要素のコールを正確に行い, 急がないことが大切です. JP: 40

Split Turn The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
Working Split do a Turn The Key (i.e., Trade; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge). EN: 801
Split で Turn The Key をします (すなわち, Trade; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge). JP: 801

anything The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
Do the anything call; Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge. The anything call replaces the Trade. EN: 802
anything のコールをして; Counter Rotate 1/4 をし; Hinge をします. anything のコールは Trade を replace します. JP: 802

Choreography for Turn The Key

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02-December-2024 15:02:09
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