From applicable formations (Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru,
or designated dancers (Heads or Sides) from a Squared Set).
Walk forward if necessary to meet the facing dancer, then Face Out
(individually turn 1/4 to face away from the center of the set).
Dancers must be facing each before a Pair Off.
Face Out is relative to the center of the set.
Historically Pair Off has been called from a Starting
Double Pass Thru. In this case, Centers Pair Off and Step Ahead, then
original Ends Step Ahead and Pair Off (i.e.,
Cross Concentric Pair Off).
This usage of Pair Off is no longer considered appropriate.
Face In | Out [BV]:
Individually turn 1/4 in place toward (Face In) or away from (Face Out) the center of the set.
Divide & Pair [C4]:
From a Starting Double Pass Thru, Trade By, or other applicable formations.
Centers Pair Off as Ends 1/4 Out and Cross Fold.
Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru formation.