In our opinion, callers should say
Magic Diamond Cut | Flip The Diamond rather than
Cut | Flip The Magic Diamond. In the first case, the dancers
initially hear the word
Magic and can immediately start locating their
Magic Diamond. Also, in our opinion, Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond is
NOT the same as Magic Cut|Flip The Diamond, since
on a Cut|Flip The
formation those with handholds
do a
formation Circulate as the others simply slide together and
Trade (Cut) or Phantom Run (Flip). Hence, for a Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond
only the Centers are working Magic.
EN: 90 私達の意見では, コーラーは
Cut | Flip The Magic Diamond でなく
Magic Diamond Cut | Flip The Diamond と言うべきです.
そうすれば, ダンサーは始めに
Magic と聞くので,
自分の Magic Diamond をすぐ捜し始めることができます.
また, 私達の意見では,
Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond は Magic Cut|Flip The Diamond と同じでは
なぜなら, Cut|Flip The
formation では, 手をとっている人が
formation Circulate をし, 他の人は単にお互いに近づいて
Trade (Cut のとき) または Phantom Run (Flip のとき) をします.
したがって, Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond では Centers だけが Magic で動くことになります.
JP: 90