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Lock 'Em Up [C3B]
   (Bill Davis 1982)
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適切な Tidal Line または, 適切な平行な Line から.

  1. Lockit;
  2. Hinge;
  3. Centers は Hinge を, Outsides は Counter Rotate 1/4 を;
  4. Centers は Lockit を, Outsides は Roll をします.

4 パートのコールです.

Lock 'Em Up の覚えやすい方法:
Lock The Hinge をして; Centers は Hinge the Lock を, Ends は Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll をします.

From a Tidal Wave:

Lock 'Em Up
 Centers Hinge
as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4
 Centers Lockit
as Outsides Roll
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines:

Lock 'Em Up
 Lock The Hinge
 Centers Hinge
as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4
 Centers Lockit
as Outsides Roll

Cross Lock 'Em Up [C3B]: Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers は Hinge を, Outsides は Counter Rotate 1/4 をし; Centers は Lockit を, Outsides は Roll をします.

anything 'Em Up [C3BV]: Hinge; Centers は Hinge を, Outsides は Counter Rotate 1/4 をし; Centers は Lockit を, Outsides は Roll をします. すなわち, Lock 'Em Up の後の 3/4 をします.

Choreography for Lock 'Em Up

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17-February-2025 04:12:18
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