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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Interlocked Counter [C3B]
   (author unknown)

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From a 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, または他の適切な formation から. JP: 10

Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold) as Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 and (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4EN: 20
Outsides は Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, Step & Fold) をし, Centers は Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 をして (普通の) Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. JP: 20

A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 30
右手の 3/4 Line からは平行な左手の Wave で終わり, 左手の 3/4 Line からは平行な左手の Two-Faced Line で終わります. JP: 30

Interlocked Counter
 Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4
as Outsides Cast Back & Touch 1/2
 Centers Counter Rotate 1/4
as Outsides Step & Fold

  • If the Centers start in a Two-Faced Line, their part is danced as an Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag, Trade, and Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 40
    Centers が Two-Faced Line から始めるときは, Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag, Trade, and Counter Rotate 1/4 のように動きます. JP: 40
  • If the Centers start in a Wave, their part is danced as the Very Centers slide Back-to-Back to exchange places, 'Push' Cast Off 3/4 and Pass In (Counter Rotate 1/4). EN: 50
    Centers が Wave から始めるときは, Very Centers は背中合わせで slide し位置を交換し, 'Push' Cast Off 3/4 をし Pass In (Counter Rotate 1/4) をします. JP: 50

Variation: EN: 60
応用: JP: 60
Interlocked Counter But Centers Cast Off 1/2
(instead of 3/4). This variation is not well defined. There are two different ways (resulting in different ending formations) that the Centers could do the Cast Off 1/2: EN: 70
(3/4 の代わりに). この応用は, きちんと定義されていません. Centers が行う Cast 1/2 には, 次の 2 つの異なる方法があり, 異なる formation で終わります: JP: 70
  1. Once Removed Cast Off 1/2; or EN: 80
    Once Removed Cast Off 1/2, または JP: 80
  2. Very Centers 'Back-to-Back Slither' then Cast Off 1/2. EN: 85
    Very Centers が 'Back-to-Back Slither' をして Cast Off 1/2. JP: 85

We disapprove of the above variation since it is ambiguous, but would opt for the first case if it was encountered while dancing. EN: 90
私達は, この応用にはあいまいさがあるので良くないと思いますが, ダンス中に出てきたら始めの方を選ぶでしょう. JP: 90

Counter [C2] (Lee Kopman):
From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 241
3/4 Tag または他の適切な formation から. Centers は Cast Off 3/4 をして Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. 外側の人は Cast Back, Touch 1/2, そして Step & Fold をします. 右の 3/4 Tag からは, 平行な左の Waves になり, 左の 3/4 Tag からは, 平行な左の Two-Faced Lines になります. JP: 241

Choreography for Interlocked Counter

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14-February-2025 06:33:46
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