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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Acey Deucey [Plus]
   (Larry Dee 1963)
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From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Outer 4 Circulate as Center 4 Trade.

From Parallel Waves:

Acey Deucey
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines:

Acey Deucey
From Funny Diamonds:

Acey Deucey
From a Thar:

Acey Deucey
From an "I":

Acey Deucey

  • There are two aspects to Acey Deucey:

    1. Identifying whether you are an End or a Center.
    2. Correctly doing your part.

    The Centers part is a Trade - from either a Mini-Wave or a Couple.

    The Ends part is a Circulate - move forward to the next position within the formation.

  • Acey Deucey is not legal from formations where the End's Circulate path causes them to move into the center (e.g., Mini-Wave Columns, the In-Facing Ends' Circulate path would cause them to end in the center).

Trade The Deucey [C3A] (Lee Kopman): From Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, a Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations. Centers Trade and Spread as the Ends Crossover Circulate. From most formations Trade The Deucey is equivalent to Acey Deucey & Spread.

CALLERLAB definition for Acey Deucey

Choreography for Acey Deucey

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10-February-2025 08:56:24
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