A 3 By 1 Triangle is a 4-dancer formation in the following shape:
A 3 By 1 Triangle contains one Apex dancer and three Base dancers.
The facing directions of the dancers usually form a Generalized
Tandem-Based Triangle. 3 By 1 Triangles
are most commonly used from an "H" or a Generalized 1/4 Tag setup.
Examples of 3 By 1 Triangles: |
3 By 1 Triangle Circulate [C2]:
From a 3 By 1 Tandem-Based Triangle.
Move forward to the next position within the 3 By 1 Triangle, turning 180°
if moving from the Apex to a Base position or vice-versa. Base
dancers not moving to the Apex position do not change their facing direction.
R-H 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate:
| |
| before 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate | | after
In the above example, the Apex dancer (  )
and the #3 Base dancer
(  )
must resist the temptation to
with each other.
Facing 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate:
| |
| before 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate | | after
See also Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangles [C2]
and Reshape (The Triangle) [C2].