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90 records

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Bill Ackerman
 N. Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
Wayne Alexander
  Retired    Grand Prairie, Texas, USA
Calling A1 thru C3B;

Clark Baker
  WEB SITE   Belmont, Massachusetts, USA
Calling A2 thru C4;
Lynette Bellini
  WEB SITE   Westmont, Illinois, USA
Calling A2 thru C4;
Thomas Bernhed
 WEB SITE   Göteborg, Sweden
Calling Basic thru C4;
Thomas Borowski
 Ebersbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Calling A1 thru C3B;
John Bowman
 Placerville, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C4;
Ray Brendzy
 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3B;
Sandie Bryant
 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Calling Basic thru C4;

Leif Carlsson
 Stockholm, Sweden
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Vic Ceder
 WEB SITE   Los Olivos, California, USA
Calling SSD thru C4;
Andy Chong
  Retired    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C3A;
Barry Clasper
 WEB SITE   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru C4;
Damon Coe
 Meherrin, Virginia, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;

Joe Dehn
 WEB SITE   Stanford, California, USA
Calling thru C3A;
Daniel Dietlein
 Kempten, Bayern, Germany
Calling A1 thru C4;

Todd Fellegy
  Retired    Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Calling thru C3B;
Ed Foote
 Wexford, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3A;
Rob French
 WEB SITE   Sunnyvale, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C4;
Yoo Fujise
 Nagoya-city, Japan
Calling A2 thru C4;

Mary Gingell
 Sunnyvale, California, USA
Calling thru C3A;
Kathy Godfrey
 Medford, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Plus thru C4;
Akira Goto
 Saitama-shi, Japan
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
Betsy Gotta
  WEB SITE   North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Calling Basic thru C3B;

John Hawley
 Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
Bill Haynes
 Mesa AZ, Arizona, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3B;
David Heffron
  WEB SITE   Novelty, Ohio, USA
Calling thru C4;
Dayle Hodge
 Columbia, MD, Maryland, USA
Calling thru C3B;
Dave Hodson
  Retired    Centerville, Ohio, USA
Calling A2 thru C4;
Yoshito Honda
 Tokyo, Japan
Calling A2 thru C4;
Ross Howell
 Mission, Texas, USA
Calling A2 thru C3B;
John Hughes
  WEB SITE   Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Calling A2 thru C3B;

Geo Jedlicka
 Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Calling A2 thru C4;
Kris Jensen
 WEB SITE   Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Michael Joergensen
 Copenhagen V., Denmark
Calling Basic thru C3A;

Osamu Kawamura
 Kudamatsu City, Japan
Calling thru C3B;
Michael Kellogg
 Northridge, California, USA
Calling SSD thru C3B;
John Kenny
 San Francisco, California, USA
Calling Plus thru C3A;
Harlan Kerr
 San Francisco, California, USA
Calling thru C4;
Kiyoshi Kikuchi
 Naka-gun, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Calling A2 thru C4;
Glenn Krakower
 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Calling A2 thru C3A;

Darryl Lipscomb
 Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Juergen Loeder
 Mörfelden-Walldorf, Hessen, Germany
Calling thru C3B;

Michael Maltenfort
 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3A;
Kazuya Matsui
 Hamamatsu-shi, Japan
Calling thru C4;
Yoshito Matsumoto
 Tokyo, Japan
Calling Plus thru C4;
Chuck Matsunaga
  WEB SITE   Omiya-city, Japan
Calling Basic thru C4;
Ett McAtee
 Maryland, USA
Calling Basic thru C4;
Ian McConnell
 Haverhill, England, United Kingdom
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Osamu Miyabe
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
Don Moger
 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;

Calling A2 thru C4;
Masanori "Seiken" Nishida
 Hamamatsu, Japan
Calling thru C3B;

Takeji Ohno
 Hamamatsu City, Japan
Calling Basic thru C4;
Osamu Otsuka
 WEB SITE   Chiba City, Japan
Calling Mainstream thru C4;

Hans Pitters
 Vejle, Denmark
Calling C1 thru C3A;
Tim Ploch
 Houston, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3B;
Norm Poisson
 Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Del Powell
 Sacramento, California, USA
Calling A1 thru C3B;

Tom Rinker
 Boylston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3A;
Ken Ritucci
 WEB SITE   West Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Basic thru C3B;
Alfred "Al" Rouff
 Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Calling thru C3B;
Ben Rubright
  WEB SITE   Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C4;

Yuko Sagara
 Tokyo, Japan
Calling thru C3B;
Ken Sale
 Castro Valley, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3B;
Ryo Sasaki
 Tokyo, Japan
Calling thru C4;
Tim Scholl
 Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Craig Shucker
 Garden Grove, California, USA
Calling A1 thru C3B;
Cliff Simpson
 Indio, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Martin Sladek
 WEB SITE   Plzen, Czech Republic
Calling Basic thru C3A;
CJ Smith
 Sunnyvale, California, USA
Calling Plus thru C4;
Don St. Jean
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Chris Stacy
 WEB SITE   Arlington, Virginia, USA
Calling thru C3B;
Keith Stevens
 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Takako Suzuki
 Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi, Japan
Calling thru C3B;

Noriko Takahashi
 WEB SITE   Otaku, Japan
Calling C1 thru C4;
Atsushi Takeuchi
 Chichibu-shi, Japan
Calling C1 thru C4;
Takayuki Tamaki
 WEB SITE   Kashiwa-city, Japan
Calling A2 thru C4;
Fen Tamanaha
 San Francisco, California, USA
Calling A2 thru C3A;
David Tesař
  WEB SITE   Prague, Czech Republic
Calling C1 thru C4;

Anne Uebelacker
  Retired    Auburn, Washington, USA
Calling Basic thru C3B;
Calling Basic thru C4;
Toshifumi Ueno
 Kanagawaken, Japan
Calling thru C3B;

Bill van Melle
 Los Altos, California, USA
Calling Plus thru C4;
Rod Vokey
  Retired    Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;

Lynn Webster
 Prior Lake, Minnesota, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Michael Winnick
 Massapequa, New York, USA
Calling thru C3A;
Bronc Wise
 WEB SITE   Mission, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3B;

Moto Yoshimura
 Shiki City, Japan
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
12-February-2025 02:37:38
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