
8 result(s) found for "Calvin Campbell"

Caller Resources ==> Specific Calls

(cached) Square Dance Gimmicks   by Calvin Campbell
Lazy H Figure, Who's On First, and more...
ID: 380

Caller Resources ==> Technical Papers

Progressive Squares Facing Lines of Four  by Calvin Campbell
ID: 478

History ==> History

(cached) Evolution of Square Dancing  by Calvin Campbell
Explains some of the changes in square dancing during the past few decades.
ID: 76

Informative ==> Informative

(cached) Styling Workshop (as listed in the book "Dancing for Busy People")  by Calvin Campbell
A half page article giving styling instructions on 6 common moves.
ID: 117

Timing is Everything  by Calvin Campbell
Skill on the part of the caller and the dancer.
ID: 125

(cached) Will Square Dancing Just Fade Away?  by Calvin Campbell
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
ID: 121

Informative ==> What is Square Dancing?

(cached) Dance Reference Center   by Calvin Campbell
Short descriptions of square dances, line dances, contra dances, quadrilles, mescolanzas, trios, mixers, etc.
ID: 282

Miscellaneous ==> Miscellaneous

(cached) Community Dance Program   by Calvin Campbell
A detailed description of the Community Dance Program (CDP) including goals, history and uses.
ID: 281 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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