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A Brief History of Square and Round Dancing   by Veronica McClure
Today's square and round dancing is a continuation of the social dance history of western civilization.
A Brief History of Square and Round Dancing   by Herb Egender
The roots of our modern square and round dancing.
Back to the Future: Dancing in 1946  by John Brant
Some of the terminology used in 1946.
Dancing Speed: Was it Faster in Past Years?  by John Brant
A conversation with Don Ward about the history of dancing speed.
Ed Gilmore's 1949 Caller Instructors Course 
Evolution of Square Dancing  by Calvin Campbell
Explains some of the changes in square dancing during the past few decades.
Evolution of Square Dancing 
Evolution of the Square Dance Costume  reprinted from USDA Web Site
Square Dance attire has evolved from France and Europe, to the "old west", to now.
Fifty Years of Square Dancing in Germany  by Hartmut Heiber
American servicemen started something that has grown for fifty years.
Gold Ribbon Committee Report   by Bob Osgood  reprinted from Sets In Order, December 1968
The first attempt to provide some standardization of square dance terminology was undertaken by the late Bob Osgood who was the editor of Square Dance magazine (known as Sets in Order). For more than a year in the late 1960's Bob assembled a group of leading callers from around North America and asked them to identify the calls that new dancers should be taught. This Gold Ribbon Committee finally agreed on a list that was published in the December 1968 issue of the magazine. It was a list of 50 terms that became widely known and accepted as the SIO 50 Basics.
History and Heritage of Modern American Square Dancing   by Kenny Reese
History of Square and Round Dancing   by Dottie Welch
A tour of dance forms from primitive societies through to our Modern Western Square and Round Dancing of today.
History of Square and Round Dancing in Czech and Slovak Republic 
History of Square Dance   by Heiner Fischle
Modern Square Dance grew mainly from two roots: the English Country Dances and the Appalachian Big Circle Dance.
Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp Lighted Lantern - 1948 to 1967 
Very few people realize just how much the Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp has done in training, inspiring, and encouraging many of our country's leading Square Dance callers and Round Dance instructors. More than one ambitious callers today have had their careers launched by having been given the chance to serve on the staff of the Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp.
Square Dance Dress: Origin and Evolution  by Don Ward
Attire has been influenced by life styles for 200 years.
Square Dance History and Heritage 
Square Dance History in the U.S. 
Square Dancing is the Great Grandchild of Contra Dancing  by Don Ward and John Brant
Their roots are similar and their history intersected at one time.
The Calling Computer (A Bit Of History)   by Don Beck  reprinted from American SquareDance Magazine
The Development of Caller Leadership   by Lee Helsel, Arnie Kronenberger, Bob Osgood and Bob Van Antwerp
The history of CALLERLAB
The Ed Gilmore Interview  by John Brant
A series of 3 articles about an interview with the legendary caller in 1961.
The History of Square-Dancing   by S. Foster Damon  reprinted from American Antiquarian Society
A history of American folk dancing: from Playford to Henry Ford.
The Hollywood Connection  by John Brant
Movies helped to fuel Square Dancing's rise in popularity.
The Sashay Story  by Stewart Kramer
The origin goes back to France.
20-January-2025 01:32:52
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