
3 result(s) found for "Orlo Hoadley"

Caller Resources ==> Technical Papers

(cached) Zeros and Equivalents  by Orlo Hoadley
A zero is a call or sequence of calls that ends with the same setup it started from; in other words, an equivalent to no call at all, formation-wise. Equivalents are two calls or sequences of calls that start with the same setup and end with the same setup. Orlo gives us some examples in this article.
ID: 284

Informative ==> Dancer Hints and Handouts

(cached) Handholds - Why and How   by Orlo Hoadley
ID: 316

Informative ==> Informative

(cached) Who's Your Partner?   by Orlo Hoadley
Partner identification (historical)
ID: 315 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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