
14 result(s) found for "Rich Reel"

Caller Resources ==> Articles

How I Get Square Dance Music   by Rich Reel
One way to obtain square dance records.
ID: 260

Points for Better Calling   by Rich Reel
Fundamental aspects of optimal square dance calling.
ID: 247

Caller Resources ==> Technical Papers

An Easy "At Home" Resolve Technique   by Rich Reel
Return-to-home techniques.
ID: 254

Asymmetric Resolve Techniques   by Rich Reel
Techniques are really only useful for writing cards or for sight resolving a very small number of squares.
ID: 259

Calling Through Scoot Back Waves   by Rich Reel
How to track arrangement through #1 and #2 arrangements in waves.
ID: 257

Easy To Call Asymmetric Tricks   by Rich Reel
Easy to call asymmetric gimmicks.
ID: 258

FASR and other Caller Terminology   by Rich Reel
An explanation of Formation, Arrangement, Sequence, and Relationship.
ID: 248

How "Unresolved" can a Square Be?   by Rich Reel
A look at the math behind FASR and resolving the square.
ID: 249

Keep Order / Change Order Modules   by Rich Reel
Simple mental image method and sight calling aid.
ID: 255

Pairing Two Dancers For Resolve   by Rich Reel
One of the first steps of resolving the square.
ID: 253

Selecting Key Couples   by Rich Reel
Different ways of memorizing the square for sight resolve.
ID: 251

Techniques for Discovering Arrangement   by Rich Reel
Sight calling to groups with mostly same-sex or mixed-sex couples.
ID: 256

The 16 Possible Partner Pairings with Standard Arrangement   by Rich Reel
ID: 250

The Square Resolution Process   by Rich Reel
The secret is to significantly reduce the number of combinations with a resolve process.
ID: 252 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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