Language: Språk: Jazyk:  All | |
From various formations.
Do the any Tagging call (or any variation of a Tagging call) to the 1/2 Tag position;
Arm Turn 3/4; and complete the any Tagging call.
The any Tagging call is a call such as Double Pass Thru,
Chase The Tag,
Flip The Line,
Invert The Column,
Tag Your Neighbor,
Tag The Top,
Track n,
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| before före před Revert Tag The Line
| | after efter po 1/2 Tag | | after efter po Arm Turn 3/4 | | after efter po Complete The Tag (done) (klart) (hotovo) |
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| before före před Revert Flip Back
| | after efter po 1/2 Flip The Line | | after efter po Arm Turn 3/4 | | after efter po Scoot Back (done) (klart) (hotovo) |
Revert The fraction Tag means Revert fraction Tag The Line.
Revert is similar to
Reflected [C3B],
except that you do an Arm Turn 3/4 instead of a Tandem Arm Turn 1/4. Revert liknar
Reflected [C3B],
utom att man gör Arm Turn 3/4 istället för
en Tandem Arm Turn 1/4.
If the given call involves both Reflected and Revert, do
the given modifier in the order in which you hear it. Om det givna callet involverar både Reflected och Revert,
gör de givna modifierarna i den ordning du hör dem.
- Revert The Reflected 1/2 Tag:
- From Parallel Lines. Från Parallel Lines. 1/2 Tag; Cast Off 3/4; Split Counter Rotate 1/4.
- Reflected Revert The Flip Back:
- From a Tidal Wave. Från en Tidal Wave. 1/2 Flip The Line; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Cast Off 3/4; Scoot Back.
(Are you dizzy yet?) (Är du yr i huvudet än?)
We believe the call Revert The
1/2 Cross Invert The Column
is illegal since Revert implies an Arm Turn 3/4
not a 'Push' Cast Off 3/4.
See also Se också Viz také Tagging Calls.