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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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3/4 Tag (The Line)

From a Line of 4. Från en Line om 4. Z formace Line of 4.

Turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line, step forward to a Single 3/4 Tag formation (Centers Pass Thru; all Pass Thru; Centers Step to a Wave). Vrid 1/4 mot mitten på din Line, stig framåt till en Single 3/4 Tag formation (Centers Pass Thru; alla Pass Thru; Centers Step to a Wave). Otočte se o 1/4 směrem ke středu své řady a jděte dopředu tak, abyste skončili ve formaci Single 3/4 Tag. (Centers Pass Thru; všichni Pass Thru; Centers Step to a Wave).

Ends in a Right-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation. Slutar i en Right-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation. Končí ve formaci Single 3/4 Tag za pravou ruku.

Acey Deucey

From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations. Från Parallel Lines eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Z formací Parallel Lines a dalších vhodných formací.

Outer 4 Circulate as Center 4 Trade. Outer 4 Circulate medan Center 4 Trade. Outer 4 Circulate, Center 4 Trade.

All Eight Spin The Top

From a Thar, facing circle, or other applicable formation. Från en Thar, en cirkel där man tittar på varandra eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Z formací Thar, facing circle a dalších vhodných formací.

  1. All Arm Turn 1/2 (to end in a Thar); Alla Arm Turn 1/2 (för att sluta i en Thar); Všichni Arm Turn 1/2 (skončí v Thar);
  2. Centers Star 3/4 as Outsides move up 1/4 around the outside. Centers Star 3/4 medan Outsides går upp 1/4 på utsidan. Centers Star 3/4, Outsides vně kruhu move up 1/4. (Poznámka: move up znamená postoupit. Naučte se tento výraz, v definicích se používá velmi často.)

Ends in a Thar. Slutar i en Thar. Končí v Thar.

Chase Right | Left

From Back-to-Back Couples. Från Couples rygg mot rygg. Z formace Back-to-Back Couples.

Chase Right:
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back; all Box Circulate twice. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. Belles U-Turn Back åt höger; alla Box Circulate två gånger. Slutar i en R-H Mini-Wave Box. Belles Right-face U-Turn Back; všichni Box Circulate twice (2x). Končí v R-H Mini-Wave Box.

Chase Left:

Beaus Left-face U-Turn Back; all Box Circulate twice. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. Beaus U-Turn Back åt vänster; alla Box Circulate två gånger. Slutar i en L-H Mini-Wave Box. Beaus Left-face U-Turn Back; všichni Box Circulate twice (2x). Končí v L-H Mini-Wave Box.


From Columns or other applicable formations. Från Columns eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Z formace Columns a dalších vhodných formací.

  1. Circulate;
  2. 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Center 6 Trade;
  4. Very Centers Veer Out as Very Outsides do your part Fan The Top. Very Centers Veer Out medan Very Outsides gör sin del av Fan The Top. Very Centers Veer Out, Very Outsides dělají svoji část Fan The Top.

Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Columns slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Columns končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Cross Fire

From a Two-Faced Line or other applicable formation. Från en Two-Faced Line eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Z formace Two-Faced Line a dalších vhodných formací.

Ends Cross Fold as Centers Trade & Step Forward. Ends Cross Fold medan Centers Trade & Step Forward. Ends Cross Fold, Centers Trade & Step Forward.

A Two-Faced Line ends in a Mini-Wave Box. En Two-Faced Line slutar i en Mini-Wave Box. Two-Faced Line končí v Mini-Wave Box.

Cut The Diamond

From a Diamond. Från en Diamond. Z formace Diamond.

Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points slide together & Trade (Cross Run) to end in the furthest Center position. Centers gör sin del av Diamond Circulate medan Points glider in & Trade (Cross Run) för att sluta i centerpositionen längst bort. Centers jdou svoji část Diamond Circulate, Points úkrok k sobě & Trade (Cross Run), takže skončí na vzdálenější pozici uprostřed.

A normal Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line; a Facing Diamond ends in a Wave. En normal Diamond slutar i en Two-Faced Line; en Facing Diamond slutar i en Wave. Normální Diamond končí v Two-Faced Line; Facing Diamond končí ve Wave.

Diamond Formation | Circulate

A Diamond is a 4-dancer formation that can be setup from a Line of 4 after Centers Hinge. En Diamond är en 4-dansare formation som kan sättas upp från en Line om 4 efter Centers Hinge. Diamond (diamant) je formace čtyř tanečníků, kterou lze získat z formace Line of 4 poté, co Centers udělají Hinge.

A Diamond consists of two Centers (those with handholds), and two Ends (also known as Points). En Diamond består av två Centers (de med handfattning) och två Ends (också kallade Points). Diamond se skládá ze dvou Centers (ti, kteří se drží) a dvou Ends (těm se říká Points).

Diamond Formation:

Diamond Footprints Diamond 'footprints' Pozice formace Diamond   Typical facing directions Typiska ansiktsriktningar Typické směry pohledu
R-H Diamond L-H Diamond Facing Diamond

Diamond Circulate [Plus] (Dewey Berry 1972): From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other. Från en Diamond. Gå framåt till nästa position i din Diamond medan du samtidigt vrider dig 90° mot mitten på din Diamond. Centers blir Points och vice versa. Dansare som möter varandra i circulationsbanan passerar varandra med höger axel. Z formace Diamond. Jděte dopředu na další pozici v Diamond, během pohybu se otočte o 90° směrem ke středu formace Diamond. Centers se stanou Points a naopak. Tanečníci, kteří se na sebe koukají, se míjejí pravými rameny.

From a Aus einer Från en R-H Diamond:

before vor före
Diamond Circulate
after nach efter
From a Aus einer Från en L-H Diamond:

before vor före
Diamond Circulate
after nach efter
From Aus Från Facing Diamonds:

before vor före
Diamond Circulate
after nach efter
From Facing Diamonds, always pass right-shoulders. Från Facing Diamonds, passera alltid med höger axel. Z formace Facing Diamonds se vždy míjejte pravými rameny.

Dixie Grand

From applicable formations. Från tillämpliga formationer. Z vhodných formací.

  1. Those who can Right Pull By; De som kan Right Pull By; Kdo může Right Pull By;
  2. all Left Pull By; alla Left Pull By; všichni Left Pull By;
  3. All Right Pull By. Alla Right Pull By. všichni Right Pull By.

Ends in a Facing Circle (e.g., from a Squared Set after "Face Your Corner"). Slutar i en Facing Circle (t.ex., från ett Squared Set efter "Face Your Corner"). Končí ve Facing Circle (jako když uděláte ze Squared Set "Face Your Corner").

Explode And anything

The call Explode And anything is on two levels, Plus and A1. Den Call Explode And anything gigt es in zwei Leveln, Plus and A1. Callet Explode And anything finns på två nivåer, Plus och A1. Figura Explode And anything je na dvou levelech, Plus a A1.

  • At Plus, the starting formation is restricted to a Wave (or occasionally an Inverted Line). Beim Plus ist die Startformation beschränkt auf eine Wave (oder gelegendlich eine Inverted Line). På Plus, begränsas startformationen till en Wave (eller någon enstaka gång en Inverted Line). Na Plusu je výchozí formace omezena na Wave, příležitostně na Inverted Line.
  • At A1, the starting formation can be any Line of 4. Beim A1 kann die Startformation jede Art Viererlinie sein. På A1, kan startformationen vara vilken som helst Line om 4. Na A1 může být výchozí formace Line of 4.

Explode [Plus]. From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In (face the dancer beside you). Ends in Facing Couples. Aus einer Wave. In einer Bewegung, Step Thru & 1/4 In (schaue auf den Tänzer neben dir). Endet in Facing Couples. Från en Wave. Som en rörelse, Step Thru & 1/4 In (vänd dig mot dansaren bredvid). Slutar i Facing Couples Z formace Wave. Jako jeden pohyb Step Thru & 1/4 In (otočte se na tanečníka vedle sebe). Končí ve Facing Couples.

Explode [A1]. From a Generalized Line. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples. Aus einer Generalized Line. In einer Bewegung, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In während Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead. Ausrichten nach Bedarf um in Facing Couples zu enden. Från en generaliserad Line. Som en rörelse, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In medan Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, och alla justerar om det är nödvändigt för att sluta i Facing Couples. Z obecné Line. Jako jeden pohyb Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In, Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, všichni se v případě potřeby zarovnají tak, aby skončili ve Facing Couples.

Explode and anything [Plus,A1]. From a Wave. Explode; then do the anything call. Aus einer Wave. Explode; dann mache den anything call. Från en Wave. Explode; gör sedan anything callet. Z formace Wave. Explode; potom proveďte anything.

Explode The Wave

From a Wave (or Inverted Line). Z formace Wave (nebo Inverted Line).

  1. Step Thru & 1/4 In (turn 1/4 in place toward the center of the 4-dancer formation); Step Thru & 1/4 In (otočka o 1/4 na místě směrem ke středu formace čtyř tanečníků);
  2. Right Pull By.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. Končí v Back-to-Back Couples.


Extend means move up to the next fractional tag position.

Fan The Top

From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other 4-dancer applicable formation. Från en Wave, Facing Couples, eller andra tillämpliga 4-dansare formationer. Z formace Wave, Facing Couples a další vhodné formace čtyř tanečníků.

From Facing Couples, first Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends move up 1/4 around the center of the 4-dancer formation. Från Facing Couples, först Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 medan Ends går upp 1/4 runt mitten på 4-dansare formationen. Z Facing Couples udělejte nejdřív Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4, Ends move up 1/4 kolem středu formace čtyř tanečníků.

A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave. En Wave eller Facing Couples slutar i en Wave. Wave i Facing Couples končí ve Wave.

Flip The Diamond

From a Diamond. Z formace Diamond.

Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points Flip In (180°) towards the the nearest Center position. Centers dělají svou část Diamond Circulate, Points Flip In (180°) směrem k bližší středové pozici.

A normal Diamond ends in a Wave; a Facing Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line. Normální Diamond končí ve Wave; Facing Diamond končí v Two-Faced Line.

Follow Your Neighbor

From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Från en Mini-Wave Box eller tillämplig T-Bone 2 x 2. Z formace Mini-Wave Box a vhodných T-Bone 2 x 2.

Leaders as one movement 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back while Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. Leaders som en rörelse, 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back medan Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. Leaders jako jeden pohyb 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back, mezitím Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave. En Mini-Wave Box slutar i en Wave med motsatt hand. Mini-Wave Box ve Wave za druhou ruku.

Grand Swing Thru

From a Wave of more than 4 dancers (e.g., a Tidal Wave), Facing Lines of 3 or more, or from other applicable formations. Z formace Wave více než čtyřech tanečníků (např. Tidal Wave), Facing Lines of 3 a více a dalších vhodných formací.

  1. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2; Kdo může Right Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2. kdo může Left Arm Turn 1/2.

Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers. Končí ve Wave s více než čtyřmi tanečníky.

Linear Cycle

From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Aus einer Wave oder passenden Line of 4. Från en Wave eller tillämplig Line om 4. Z formace Wave a vhodných Line of 4.

  1. Hinge;
  2. Leaders Fold behind Trailers (who do not adjust); die Leaders tanzen ein Fold hinter die Trailers (die sich dabei nicht ausrichten); Leaders Fold bakom Trailers (som inte justerar); Leaders Fold za Trailers (kteří se nijak nezarovnávají);
  3. Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; danach tanze ein Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru;
  4. Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass. dann tanze ein Peel Off in die Richtung der Schulter, mit welcher Du gerade passiert hast. Peel Off i den riktning som den axel man passerade med för. Peel Off ve směru ramene, kterým jste se míjeli.

Ends in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call. Endet in Facing Couples. Dies ist ein 4-teiliger Call. Sluta i Facing Couples. Detta är ett 4-delars call. Končí ve Facing Couples. Figura má čtyři části.

Load The Boat

From Facing Lines or other applicable formations. Från Facing Lines eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Z formace Facing Lines a dalších vhodných formací.

1.  Pass Thru;
2.  Face Out (turn 1/4 in place away from the center of the set); (vänd dig 1/4 på stället bort från mitten på uppställningen); (na místě se otočte o 1/4 směrem od středu čtverylky);
3.  Partner Trade;
4.  Pass Thru.
Walk forward (using Circulates) to Pass 3 dancers (right-shoulders) and immediately after passing the third dancer Gå framåt (använd Circulates) och passera 3 dansare (med höger axel) och omedelbart efter att ha passerat den tredje dansaren Jděte dopředu (jako při Circulate), pravým ramenem se miňte se třemi tanečníky a ihned poté, co se minete s tím třetím,
Face In (turn 1/4 in place towards the center of the set). (vänd dig 1/4 på stället mot mitten på uppställningen). (na místě se otočte o 1/4 směrem ke středu čtverylky);

Facing Lines end in an Eight Chain Thru. Facing Lines slutar i en Eight Chain Thru. Facing Lines končí v Eight Chain Thru.

Peel Off

From an applicable 2 x 2 (usually a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples) or a "Z". Från en tillämplig 2 x 2 (vanligen en Mini-Wave Box eller Tandem Couples) eller ett "Z". Z vhodných formací 2 x 2 (obvykle Mini-Wave Box nebo Tandem Couples) a z formace "Z".

As one movement, Leaders flip 180° away from the center of the 4-dancer formation and step forward if necessary as the Trailers step forward if necessary and U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the 4-dancer formation. Som en rörelse, Leaders gör en flip 180° bort från mitten på 4-dansare formationen och stiger om nödvändigt framåt medan Trailers stiger om nödvändigt framåt och U-Turn Back genom att vrida sig bort från mitten på 4-dansare formationen. Jako jeden pohyb Leaders flip 180° směrem od středu formace čtyř tanečníků a krok dopředu v případě potřeby. Trailers krok dopředu v případě potřeby a U-Turn Back směrem od středu formace čtyř tanečníků.

A Non-T-Bone starting formation always ends in a Line. En icke-T-Bone startformation slutar alltid i en Line. Non-T-Bone výchozí formace vždy končí v Line.

Peel The Top

From a Mini-Wave Box, from the "Z" obtained from a Wave after the Ends Fold, or from an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Från en Mini-Wave Box, från det "Z" man får från en Wave efter Ends Fold, eller från en tillämplig T-Bone 2 x 2. Z formace Mini-Wave Box, dále z formace "Z", která se získá z vlny poté, co Ends udělají Fold, a z vhodných T-Bone 2 x 2.

  1. Leaders Peel Off as Trailers step ahead (to join inside hands with each other); Leaders Peel Off medan Trailers stiger framåt (för att ta handfattning med innerhanden); Leaders Peel Off, Trailers krok dopředu (step ahead) (a chytnou se spolu za vnitřní ruce);
  2. Fan The Top.

A Mini-Wave Box or "Z" ends in a Wave. En Mini-Wave Box eller "Z" slutar i en Wave. Mini-Wave Box a "Z" končí ve Wave.

Ping Pong Circulate

From a 1/4 Tag. Från en 1/4 Tag. Z formace 1/4 Tag.

As one movement, Extend twice & new Outsides Trade (or Left-shoulder Trade if the starting formation was a L-H 1/4 Tag). Som en rörelse, Extend två gånger & nya Outsides Trade (eller Trade med vänster axel om startformationen var en L-H 1/4 Tag). Jako jeden pohyb Extend twice (2x) & noví Outsides Trade (nebo Trade levým ramenem, pokud je výchozí formace L-H (levý) 1/4 Tag).

Ends in a 1/4 Tag. Slutar i en 1/4 Tag. Končí v 1/4 Tag.

Relay The Deucey

From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves). Från Parallel Waves eller Eight Chain Thru (i vilket fall dansarna först stiger upp till Parallel Waves). Z formací Parallel Waves a Eight Chain Thru (v tomto případě musí tanečníci nejprve dostoupit do Parallel Waves).

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Center 4 Arm Turn 3/4 as Others 1/2 Circulate; Center 4 Arm Turn 3/4 medan de andra 1/2 Circulate; Center 4 Arm Turn 3/4, ostatní 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Wave Of 6 Arm Turn 1/2; Wave om 6 Arm Turn 1/2; Wave Of 6 (vlna šesti lidí) Arm Turn 1/2;
  4. Center Wave Of 4 Arm Turn 1/2 as Others (do a Big) Diamond Circulate; Center Wave om 4 Arm Turn 1/2 medan de andra (gör en Stor) Diamond Circulate; Center Wave Of 4 (středová vlna čtyř lidí) Arm Turn 1/2, ostatní (Big) Diamond Circulate;
  5. Wave Of 6 Arm Turn 1/2; Wave om 6 Arm Turn 1/2; Wave Of 6 Arm Turn 1/2;
  6. Center Wave Of 4 Arm Turn 3/4 as Others move up. Center Wave om 4 Arm Turn 3/4 medan de andra går upp. Center Wave Of 4 Arm Turn 3/4, ostatní move up.

Ends in Parallel Waves. Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.


From any formation.

If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction. If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction.

Single Circle To A Wave

From Facing Dancers. Z formace Facing Dancers.

Join hands (in a group of 2), Circle Left 1/2 way, drop hands and Step to a Right-Hand Mini-Wave. Dva, co se na sebe koukají, spojí ruce, v této skupině dvou lidí Circle Left 1/2, rozpojit ruce Step to a Right-Hand Mini-Wave (krok do pravé mini-vlny).

Ends in a Right-Hand Mini-Wave. Končí v Right-Hand Mini-Wave.

Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears

From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves). Från Parallel Waves eller Eight Chain Thru (i vilket fall dansarna först stiger upp till Parallel Waves). Z formací Parallel Waves a Eight Chain Thru (v takovém případě tanečníci nejprve dostoupí do Parallel Waves).
  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides U-Turn Back; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 medan Outsides U-Turn Back; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4, Outsides U-Turn Back;
  3. Very Centers Trade as the Outsides slide inward to form two Stars; Very Centers Trade medan Outsides glider inåt för att bilda två Stars; Very Centers Trade, Outsides úkrok dovnitř pro zformování dvou Stars (hvězd);
  4. Turn each Star 3/4; Vrid varje Star 3/4; Star 3/4;
  5. New Very Centers walk forward around the other Star (like a figure "S") as the Others in their Star follow them in Single File; Nya Very Centers går framåt runt den andra sidans Star (som bokstaven "S") medan de andra i deras Star följer dem i en Single File; Noví Very Centers jdou venkem kolem druhé hvězdy (jako písmeno "S"), ostatní z jejich hvězdy je jeden za druhým následují.
  6. After the Leaders (#1 dancers in the Stars) have gone 3/4 around the other Star, the #1 and #3 dancers in the Star do a U-Turn Back (turning toward the Center of the Star) and form a Wave with the dancers behind them. Efter att Leaders (#1 dansarna i varje Star) har gått 3/4 runt den andra sidans Star, gör #1 och #3 dansarna i varje Star en U-Turn Back (vrider sig mot mitten av sin Star) och bildar en Wave med dansarna bakom. Poté, co Leaders (#1 tanečník ve hvězdě) došel do 3/4 druhé hvězdy, udělají tanečníci #1 a #3 U-Turn Back (směrem ke středu hvězdy) a se zbylými tanečníky zformují Wave.

Ends in Parallel Waves. Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.

Spin Chain The Gears

From Parallel Waves or an Eight Chain Thru formation. Z formací Parallel Waves a Eight Chain Thru.

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as während medan Ends U-Turn Back;
  3. Very Centers Trade as Outsides slide inward to form two Stars; Very Centers Trade, Outsides úkrok dovnitř pro zformování dvou Stars (hvězd);
  4. Star 3/4;
  5. Very Centers Trade;
  6. Center Wave Cast Off 3/4 as Others U-Turn Back by flipping away from the center of the set. Center Wave (vlna uprostřed) Cast Off 3/4, ostatní U-Turn Back a flip směrem od středu čtverylky.

Ends in Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.


There are four different versions of Spread (only the first two are used at Plus):

  1. From Columns: Centers spread apart as ends move in.
  2. From a Line: Ends and adjacent Centers exchange places by sidestepping into each other's position.
    • If adjacent dancers are in a Mini-Wave, slide nose-to-nose;
    • If adjacent dancers are a Couple, do a Half Sashay (Belle slides in front of Beau).
  3. Designated dancers Spread (e.g., from Columns: Ends Spread, check a Butterfly)
  4. The call Wheel & Spread. From a One-Faced Line. Wheel & Deal; Leaders sidestep apart from one another (and backup slightly) as Trailers move in between.

Teacup Chain

From a normal Squared Set (or everyone turning opposite sex by the Left).

Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain proceeds as follows:

  • Head Ladies:
    1. to center, R-H Star 3/4
    2. L-H turn corner
    3. R-H turn new corner (original opposite man)
    4. to center, L-H Star 1 & 1/4
    5. R-H turn new corner (next man)
    6. L-H to original partner for a Courtesy Turn
  • Side Ladies:
    1. R-H turn corner
    2. to center, L-H Star 1 & 1/4
    3. R-H turn new corner (original opposite man)
    4. L-H turn new corner (next man)
    5. to center, R-H Star 3/4
    6. L-H to original partner for a Courtesy Turn
  • Ladies -- Important points:
    • Start with the R-H, and use alternating hands.
    • Head Ladies start to the Center, Side Ladies start with the corner.
    • Visit each man exactly once, progressing counter-clockwise through the men, starting with the corner, then opposite, then corner's opposite, and finally original partner.
    • Concentrate on progressing to the next man, rather than worrying about alternating hands (or how far to turn the star), as handholds (and star turns) become automatic.
  • Men -- Important points:
    • Head Men always send the Ladies to the Center.
    • Side Men always send the Ladies to the Right.
    • Take whatever hand the ladies give you, and send them to their next destination. At some point, men use the same hand is twice in a row.
    • Be sure to lead the Ladies. Don't be a wimp - send the ladies to their destination with a firm but gentle lead.
    • The final L-H turn (with original partner) blends into a Courtesy Turn to end in a Squared Set.

Ends in a Squared Set, everyone paired with original Partner.

Track 2

From a Completed Double Pass Thru formation. Från en Completed Double Pass Thru formation. Z formace Completed Double Pass Thru.

Beaus (left-side dancers) work around the outside in a wide loop for 3 Column Circulates as Beaus (vänsterdansarna) går i en vid sväng på utsidan för 3 Column Circulates medan Beaus (tanečníci vlevo) jdou vnějškem velkým obloukem 3x Column Circulates,
Belles (right side dancers) work inside for 3 Column Circulates. Belles (högerdansarna) arbetar på insidan för 3 Column Circulates. Belles (tanečníci vpravo) jdou 3 Column Circulates vnitřkem.

Ends in Parallel Right-Hand Waves. Slutar i Parallel Right-Hand Waves. Končí v Parallel Right-Hand Waves.

Trade The Wave

From a Wave. Från en Wave. Z formace Wave.

As one movement, Step Thru, Trade, and Step to an opposite-handed Wave. Som en rörelse, Step Thru, Trade och Step till en Wave med motsatt hand. Jako jeden pohyb Step Thru, Trade a Step do Wave (vlny) za druhou ruku.

Ends in an opposite-handed Wave. Slutar i en Wave med motsatt hand. Končí ve vlně za druhou ruku.

Triple Scoot

From Mini-Wave Columns. Aus Mini-Wave Columns. Från Mini-Wave Columns. Z formace Mini-Wave Columns.

#1 dancer Circulate as the Others Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (take a small step forward). #1 dansaren Circulate medan de andra gör en Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2 och Grand Extend. Tanečník #1 Circulate, ostatní Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (udělejte malý krok dopředu).

Ends in Mini-Wave Columns. Slutar i Mini-Wave Columns. Končí v Mini-Wave Columns.
14-September-2024 04:31:11
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