Scoot Back with the dancers in your Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag
(the dancers occupying the Interlocked Diamond footprints).
EN: 20 自分の Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag の人 (Interlocked Diamond の位置にいる人) で Scoot Back をします.
JP: 20 Scoot Back med dansarna i din Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag (de dansare
som står på Interlocked Diamond footprints).
SE: 20 Scoot Back s tanečníky ve své formaci Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag
(tanečníci na pozicích formace Interlocked Diamond).
CZ: 20 The first traffic pattern is preferred as it is more indicative
of the Interlocked C
ONCEPT. However, most dancers tend to use the second
traffic pattern as it is smoother to dance.
EN: 70 私たちは, Interlocked C
ONCEPT につながる始めの通り方が好きです.しかしながら, 多くのダンサーは「踊るのにスムース」ということで 2 つ目の通り方を使いたがります.
JP: 70 Vi föredrar det första trafikmönstret eftersom det påminner
mer om Interlocked C
ONCEPT. Emellertid verkar de flesta
dansarna använda det andra trafikmönstret eftersom det ger bättre
SE: 70 První způsob provedení je preferovaný, protože více odpovídá pravidlům Interlocked C
ONCEPT. nicméně tíhnou k druhému způsobu provedení, protože se snadněji tancuje.
CZ: 70
Interlocked Extend [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Line.
Everyone except the Very Centers do a normal Extend the Tag as the
Very Centers (as one movement)
back-to-back Slither and Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
EN: 278 1/4 Line から.
Very Centers 以外は普通の Extend the Tag をし, Very Centers は (1 つの動きとして)
back-to-back Slither and Extend をします.
平行な Wave で終わります.
JP: 278 Från en 1/4 Line.

 Alla utom Very Centers gör en normal Extend the Tag medan Very Centers

 (som en rörelse) rygg-mot-rygg Slither och Extend.

 Slutar i Parallel Waves.
SE: 278 Z formace 1/4 Line.

Všichni kromě Very Centers udělají normální Extend the Tag,

Very Centers (jako jeden pohyb)
back-to-back Slither and Extend.

Končí v Parallel Waves.
CZ: 278
Interlocked Follow Thru [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Line.
1/2 Interlocked Scoot Back (Interlocked Extend and Arm Turn 1/4).
Ends in Parallel Waves.
EN: 279 1/4 Line から.
1/2 Interlocked Scoot Back (Interlocked Extend and Arm Turn 1/4) をします.
平行な Wave で終わります.
JP: 279 Från en 1/4 Line.

 1/2 Interlocked Scoot Back (Interlocked Extend och Arm Turn 1/4).

 Slutar i Parallel Waves.
SE: 279 Z formace 1/4 Line.

1/2 Interlocked Scoot Back (Interlocked Extend and Arm Turn 1/4).

Končí v Parallel Waves.
CZ: 279
Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Line.
Interlocked Extend; Swing; Slip; Swing; as one movement, Extend and Very Centers Slither.
Ends in a 3/4 Line.
EN: 280 1/4 Line から.
Interlocked Extend, Swing, Slip, Swing, 1 つの動きとして Extend and Very Centers Slither をします.
3/4 Line で終わります.
JP: 280 Från en 1/4 Line.

 Interlocked Extend; Swing; Slip; Swing; som en rörelse, Extend och Very Centers


 Slutar i en 3/4 Line.
SE: 280 Z formace 1/4 Line.

Interlocked Extend; Swing; Slip; Swing; jako jeden pohyb Extend and Very Centers Slither.

Končí ve 3/4 Line.
CZ: 280
Interlocked Scoot The Diamond [C3AV]:
From a 1/4 Line.
Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Interlocked Diamond Circulate.
Ends in Interlocked Diamonds.
EN: 281 1/4 Lineから.Interlocked Scoot Back をし, Outsides が handhold (とっている手, 使った手) の方へ 1/4 向きを変え, 全員で Interlocked Diamond Circulate をします.Interlocked Diamonds で終わります.
JP: 281 Från en 1/4 Line.

 Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold;

 alla Interlocked Diamond Circulate.

 Slutar i Interlocked Diamonds.
SE: 281 Z formace 1/4 Line.

Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 do držení; všichni Interlocked Diamond Circulate.

Končí v Interlocked Diamonds.
CZ: 281
Interlocked Drop direction [C2V]:
From Interlocked Diamonds.
Everyone except the Very Centers do a normal
Drop direction
as the Very Centers Interlocked Extend (as one movement back-to-back Slither and Extend).
EN: 283 Interlocked Diamonds から.
Very Centers 以外は普通の
Drop direction をし, Very Centers は Interlocked Extend をします.
JP: 283 Aus Interlocked Diamonds.

 Jeder, ausgenommen die Very Centers, tanzt ein normales
Drop direction,

 während die Very Centers ein Interlocked Extend (in einer Bewegung Back-to-Back Slither & Extend) tanzen.
DE: 283 Från Interlocked Diamonds.

 Alla utom Very Centers gör en normal
Drop direction medan

 Very Centers Interlocked Extend (som en rörelse rygg mot rygg Slither och Extend).
SE: 283 Z formace Interlocked Diamonds.

Všichni kromě Very Centers udělají normální
Drop direction,

Very Centers Interlocked Extend.
CZ: 283