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Triple Scoot [Plus] (Frannie Heintz and und och a Manny Amor 1971) |
Language: Sprache: Språk: Jazyk: | view (admin) |
#1 dancer Circulate as the Others Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (take a small step forward). #1 dansaren Circulate medan de andra gör en Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2 och Grand Extend. Tanečník #1 Circulate, ostatní Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (udělejte malý krok dopředu).
Ends in Mini-Wave Columns. Slutar i Mini-Wave Columns. Končí v Mini-Wave Columns.
From Aus Från Z R-H Columns:
We recommend renaming Triple Scoot to Grand Scoot Back. Wir empfehlen die Umbenennung von Triple Scoot in Grand Scoot Back. Här är mina kommentarer till att döpa om Triple Scoot till Grand Scoot Back: Doporučujeme přejmenovat Triple Scoot na Grand Scoot Back.
Scoot Back [Mainstream] :
Triple Cross [A1] : From a 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns, or other applicable formations. The six who can diagonal Pull By using outside hands. A 1/4 Box ends in Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns end in a 3/4 Box. Aus einer 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns, oder anderen passenden Formationen. 
 Die sechs Tänzer, welche können, tanzen ein diagonales Pull By 
 mit der äußeren Hand. 
 Eine 1/4 Box endet in Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns enden in einer 3/4 Box. Från en 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns eller andra tillämpliga formationer. 
 De 6 som kan gör en diagonal Pull By och använder ytterhanden. 
 En 1/4 Box slutar i Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns slutar i 3/4 Box. Z 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns a dalších vhodných formací. 
Těch šest, co může, udělá diagonálně Pull By za vnější ruku. 
1/4 Box končí v Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns končí ve 3/4 Box.
Triple Play [C3A] :
From Mini-Wave Columns.
#1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) as Others 1/2
Circulate and Trade; in the new Center Columns #1 dancer Transfer
(Trail Off & Roll) as the others 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves. Från Mini-Wave Columns.

 #1 dansaren Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) medan

 de andra 1/2 Circulate och Trade; i de nya Center

 Columns #1 dansaren Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) medan de andra 1/2

 Circulate och Hinge; alla Extend.

 Slutar i Parallel Waves. Z formace Mini-Wave Columns.

Tanečník #1 Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In), ostatní 1/2

Circulate and Trade; v nové Center Columns tanečník #1 Transfer

(Trail Off & Roll), ostatní 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend.

Končí v Parallel Waves.
![]() | Page translated by David Tesař.