In Challenge dancing, Recycle from a Wave is a 3-part call.
From a Wave:
- Centers Fold behind Ends and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box;
- Box Counter Rotate 1/4.
- Roll.
2/3 Recycle is not danced as if it has 2 disjoint parts
(i.e., you do not do a Centers Fold & adjust to a Box before doing the Box Counter Rotate
1/4 since this is somewhat awkward).
2/3 Recycle is danced as if the 2 parts are blended into one movement.
2/3 Recycle is equivalent to
1/2 Flip The Line,
except that nobody can Roll after 1/2 Flip The Line.
Cheat for 2/3 Recycle: Hinge and Box Circulate. This
cheat, although easier to recite and dance than the correct definition,
has the potential to get you into trouble. You will be unable to
properly dance a 1/3 Recycle. Also, note that by using this
cheat, only half of the dancers can Roll! On a 2/3 Recycle, all dancers can Roll.
Cross Cycle [C3B] (Joe Chiles 1975):
From a Two-Faced Line.
Centers Cross Fold and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box; Box Counter
Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Facing Couples.