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List of calls, excluding Allemande, Balance, Circle, Forward and Back, Star, and Swing.

60 calls

CallUse CountIDDescription
1/2 Heyuse count = 32ID: 13
1/2 Poucetuse count = 3ID: 56
1/2 Square Thruuse count = 13ID: 15
1/4 Heyuse count = 2ID: 44
3/4 Heyuse count = 1ID: 55
3/4 Square Thruuse count = 2ID: 47
As Couples Dosadouse count = 1ID: 61
Basketuse count = 1ID: 57
Bend The Lineuse count = 11ID: 7
Big Ovaluse count = 11ID: 43
Box Circulateuse count = 15ID: 11
Box The Gnatuse count = 9ID: 23
Butterfly Whirluse count = 6ID: 24
California Twirluse count = 16ID: 4
Celtic Heyuse count = 0ID: 65From Si8ChTh: R-H Balance + Pull By; Centers Left Gypsy 3/4 as Ends CoRo to end in Si8ChTh.
Chaseuse count = 1ID: 49
Cross Trail Thruuse count = 8ID: 9
Diamonduse count = 2ID: 58
Dixie Twirluse count = 1ID: 60
Dosadouse count = 5ID: 20
Down The Halluse count = 8ID: 6
Facing Staruse count = 2ID: 53
Flutter Wheeluse count = 1ID: 51
Full Heyuse count = 8ID: 14
Give and Takeuse count = 6ID: 21
Gypsyuse count = 34ID: 3
Hands Across Staruse count = 7ID: 26
Ladies Chainuse count = 42ID: 2
Left Diagonaluse count = 15ID: 18
Long Waveuse count = 19ID: 33
Mad Robinuse count = 12ID: 1
Modified Give and Takeuse count = 1ID: 5
No-Hands Staruse count = 1ID: 42
Orbituse count = 11ID: 27
Pass The Oceanuse count = 5ID: 29
Pass Thruuse count = 17ID: 28
Petronellause count = 11ID: 8
Promenadeuse count = 3ID: 22
Pull Byuse count = 3ID: 41
Reverse Flutter Wheeluse count = 2ID: 52
Revolving Dooruse count = 0ID: 64
Ricochetuse count = 5ID: 25
Right & Left Thruuse count = 36ID: 10
Right Diagonaluse count = 5ID: 19
Right-Hand High Left-Hand Lowuse count = 1ID: 30
Rollawayuse count = 3ID: 17
Runuse count = 1ID: 12
Short Waveuse count = 7ID: 34
Single File Promenadeuse count = 1ID: 46
Slice Leftuse count = 5ID: 59
Slide Leftuse count = 22ID: 32
Some Walk, Others Dodgeuse count = 4ID: 50
Spin/Slide Right/Leftuse count = 8ID: 45
Star Promenadeuse count = 6ID: 31
Tag The Lineuse count = 2ID: 54
Turn Aloneuse count = 10ID: 35
Turn As Couplesuse count = 4ID: 36
Up The Halluse count = 9ID: 40
Veeruse count = 11ID: 16
Wheel Right|Leftuse count = 0ID: 48
09-February-2025 02:36:02
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