To Do List
To Do List

Definitions ==> C2

ID: 777

A suggestion for the next edition of the C-1&2 Ceder Chest, please include diagrams for Interlocked Exchange the Diamonds (or is the correct parsing Exchange the Interlocked Diamonds? - Bill A.'s program prefers the latter). Apparently Rich Silkett called a couple of weeks ago and much discussion about the traffic pattern ensued. Bill's program moves the dancers per the rule, i.e. circulate around the outside of the new diamond you are exchanging to. Also, suggestions on traffic flow would be good. Normally, I tell people to let the centers out first and then the ends go, but in this instance it almost makes sense to let the trailing point interlocked diamond circ first and then the center circulate out. Regardless of who goes first this call results in a lot of "yielding" in order to avoid fender benders.

ID: 777 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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