To Do List
To Do List

CSDS  -->  Music | Quick List 

Let's say you've got a bunch of Quick Lists set up: Elvis Dance, St Patrick's Day Dance, Week in the Mountains, etc. Let's say you get a cool new patter record. Right now you've got to add the new patter record to your database, then add it one-by-one to each individual quick list. It would be so handy if there was a way to take a new music database entry, and check off which quick list(s) to add it to. Nasser "wishful thinking" Shukayr On 'ADD TO QUICK LIST'... popup dialog box with all QLs with checkboxes (similar to the genre flags display), with current QL checked... and OK/Cancel
ID: 1135

Music QUEUE: button or qqch to quickly only show Patter or Singer (kellogg)
ID: 1352

Be able to open more than one quicklist at a time. Don't allow the same quicklist to be opened twice. On open, check all quicklist forms for the Quicklist filename and disallow if already open.
ID: 551

Be able to drag+drop to move an item.
ID: 238

Music QL, DB, and HL: on multiple-select, be able to change flags. Bring up a special menu with 'Set a Flag | Clear a Flag', then bring up a list of flags. (this is different than if single item selected)
ID: 822 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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