Wild On Saturday Night
  (Global Music 403)   Jon Jones, Brian Hotchkies
two columns


Four ladies promenade go one time around
Get back, swing your own around and then
Join hands, circle go walkin' round the land
Do a left allemande, weave the ring
Ah, Saturday night, Saturday night
Swing your girl and promenade her tonight
On a Sunday or Monday we're doin' alright
But you ought to see us on a Saturday night

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads promenade and go halfway I say
Down the middle, right & left thru then roll a half sashay (backaway)
Sides square thru and take 'em four hands you know
All the way around and swing thru
The centers trade and now the centers run and then
Wheel & deal around, face 'em there my friend
Square thru boys go 3, girls go 4 and now
Girls cloverleaf, swing the corner and promenade somehow
On a Monday or a Tuesday everything is alright
But we're lookin' for a Saturday night

Fixed cue sheet to properly resolve, by swapping boys and girls for the square thru 3 or 4 followed by cloverleaf.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=6262
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=6262