Singing Bye Bye Blues
Cab Calloway; Les Paul and Mary Ford; many others 1930
  (Bogan 1126)   Billy Lewis
two columns

BREAK    Basic

All 4 ladies chain across and turn that gal around
Join hands and make a ring, circle around that town
Girls rollaway, 1/2 sashay
Swing the girl that's coming your way
Put her on the right and circle left
Circle left and around you go
Allemande left your corner, walk right by your own
Swing the right hand lady and promenade her home
Promenade her home and keep her for your own
Singing bye bye blues

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

All 4 ladies chain across and turn the girls around
Head (side) two couples right & left thru and turn the girls you do
All 4 ladies chain again & couples 2 & 4 (1 & 3) promenade halfway around
Leave her there and all 4 men star across and turn the opposite with a left hand swing
Swing the corner lady and promenade that ring
You promenade her home, go dancing right along
Singing bye bye blues

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