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Web App

The Web App is a web-based application at that is integrated with the Square Rotation Program (SQROT).

Open Web App (in new window)

Data from the rotation computer is uploaded to the web, and user devices such as mobile phones can connect to the web to receive the data. In addition, user devices can request status changes such as absent|sitout|ready.

The Web App primarily consists of 5 pages:
  1. Select Rotation
  2. Select Dancer
  3. Tip+Square
  4. Status
  5. Barcode

Select Rotation

  The Select Rotation page selects a rotation to view.

Some rotations may require a password. On the rotation computer, the web access password is shown on the title bar of the program's two primary windows. If not, ask the rotation operator at your dance.

Each entry on the Select Rotation page shows the rotation title, the registered user of the program, and the number of tips generated so far.

Rotations are automatically deleted from the web after a couple of days of inactivity.

Select Dancer

  The Select Dancer page allows you to select yourself from the rotation.

Please only select yourself from the list of dancers.

The Name Grid and Square Grid links each display a large grid showing the assigned squares for all dancers. This is the same as the Tip Display on the rotation computer. In this manner, an additional computer in the hall can also display the current tip information to avoid congestion around the rotation computer.


  The Tip+Square page shows your assigned square and partner for the current tip.

After the rotation operator announces that the tip has been generated, press the 'refresh' link to refresh this page.

This page shows the tip number, your square number, your partner, and the other 3 couples in your square.


  The Status page shows your status for the next tip. Buttons allow you to request a status change.

Three fields can be changed:
  1. Status can be Ready, Sitout, or Absent.
    • Ready -- you're available to dance the next tip.
    • Sitout -- you've requested to sit out the next tip. After the next tip has been generated, your status will be updated to be Ready.
    • Absent -- you've left the dance or no longer wish to dance any future tips.
  2. Role can be Boy, Girl, Any, Any prefer Boy, or Any prefer Girl.
    • Boy -- you only dance as a Boy.
    • Girl -- you only dance as a Girl.
    • Any -- you're willing to dance either role (Boy or Girl).
    • Any pref Boy -- you're willing to dance either role, but prefer to dance as a Boy.
    • Any pref Girl -- you're willing to dance either role, but prefer to dance as a Girl.
  3. (Not) OK w/Single indicates whether you're willing to dance with a Single.
    • OK w/Single -- you're willing to split up from your partner, if necessary, to accommodate single dancers.
    • Not OK w/Single -- you're not willing to dance with anyone other than your partner.

Pressing any one of the grey buttons sends a request to the rotation program to change your status as shown on the button. After pressing a button, your screen displays a message at the top indicating that the request has been sent. The screen then automatically refreshes once a second for about 10 seconds or until the rotation program responds with confirmation of your updated status. Typically, this update takes only 2 or 3 seconds.


  The Barcode page shows the barcode that can be used with a barcode scanner at the dance, if available.

Two different barcodes are shown, in case one of them doesn't work with the scanner.

Scanning the barcode toggles your status from Ready to Absent.

If your barcode says "GID" instead of "ID", then it is your global barcode. The GID barcode is intended to be your permanent barcode, and can be used on any SQROT rotation.

If desired, save an image of the GID barcode to your mobile phone, for use at a future dance.

last modified: 01-April-2024   Unique ID: 320

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