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How do I find out what is on records before I buy them?
My name is Bobbie Smith. I live in Las Animas, Colorado.

Las Animas High School has been sponsoring an annual event called Sante Fe Trail Day which is held on the last Friday of April. This year will be the 66th celebration. One of the highlights of the day is a square dance competition among the classes. Each class gets a coach who helps them for the four years they compete. The class I coach are seniors this year. This competion is something that is lots of fun for the students. They are allowed to start practicing on March the 1st each year which gives them about 8 weeks to practice.

My group loves to dance to plus songs. One of their favorite moves is a Grand Spin. I remember learning this move in the 80's. I am looking for records that do not do the have the same moves for the heads and sides. I actually prefer four different figures. I have a few records that have the Grand Spin as one of the calls. I used to get my records from a record shop in Denver and I could preview them before I bought them so I would know what figures were on them but the shop that has closed.

Last year my kids did "Hey Joe Hey Moe" called by Al Horn and also Pittsfield Drum and Bugle Corps by Kent Nyman. They like to do harder plus. I wish there were some place you could know what calls were on the record before you buy them. Could you tell me the names of some plus records that have Grand Spin on them. I would appreciate any help you could give me on how to find out what is on the records before I buy them.

Thank you for any help you can give me.

In our 'Record Database', http://www.ceder.net/recorddb/view.php?action=ftt we eventually plan on including the figures and words for all records listed.

At the present time, figures are only listed for records whose name is followed by '(cue sheet)'. For example, Rockin In Rosalie's Boat at http://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=386

The second menu line above the Record Database is a "Find by" menu. You can search for things in our Record Database by Title, Abbreviation, Artist, Cue Sheet, Label, Lyrics, Record ID or a more advanced Query. To find a specific call by that call's name, click on "Find by" Cue Sheet (e.g., http://www.ceder.net/recorddb/query_cuesheet.php, type the name of the call in the Find What box and click Go.

As for recommendations of 'fun and challenging' records, I would suggest

  1. Bumble Bee Square - Wagon Wheel 119
  2. Running Bear - Top 25303
  3. Cross Over the Bridge - Windsor 5016
  4. Pickle Up A Doodle - Windsor 4823

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