Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Call from Screen
Microsoft Word Document (*.doc, *.docx) problem
Well, I upgraded my PC to use Office 2010 and started using some .docx word documents to display cue sheets. The problem I am encountering is that CSDS is no longer loading the cue sheet INTO the Cuesheet Tab when I have Call from Screen up. Instead, it says it can't connect to internet and then it opens up a NEW Word Doc window showing the Cue Sheet. Is this some behavior that has been changed by design? If not, is it a bug when working with the new .docx files and word? If I choose a song with a .rtf, txt or from the cuesheet db, I do not have the problem. Is there anything you can change to get the cuesheet to appear in the cuesheet tab?

The problem is a windows setting, and has nothing to do with the program. (which was what I expected, since I rarely tweak that region).

To make a long story short, over the years I've had plenty of trouble with MS Word documents in CSDS.

  1. Loading Word documents is slow (compared to RTF, TXT, and HTML) because an instance of word must be instantiated, whereas a RichText control, and a webbrowser are integrated into CSDS. RTF is the preferred format, as over the years as microsoft releases new updates it has often 'broken' how I can control the webbrowser.
  2. A Word document grabs keystrokes from CSDS, when the Word document has focus. This means that you can't use music player short cut keys if the Word document has focus.

The fix is to tweak the windows file types. Specifically...

via the Windows File Explorer:

  1. goto Tools | Folder Options | File Types
  2. Select "DOC" then click 'Advanced'.
  3. Uncheck 'Confirm open after download'.
  4. Check 'Browse in same window'.
  5. OK (to save changes)
Detailed information can be found at http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/sharing/OpenDocInIE.html

So, most likely, when you upgraded Word, it reset the associated file types with their default parameters.

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