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Who is a Neighbor?
The term "Neighbor" is used in several square dance references, but I can't find a precise definition of "Neighbor".

By inference - one possible definition extracted from "Follow Your Neighbor" is "the Person next to you before you started to a particular move". This would be a good enough definition for my needs. But I'm curious to find out if there is an agreed definition.

As I recall, there was an attempt 30 years ago or so to define Neighbors as the two adjacent dancers in a Wave, because, ???of course???, those facing the same direction were clearly Partners.

This notion has definitely fallen out of use today. In my opinion, all challenge dancers/callers, and most advanced dancers/callers are taught that from a Wave, the ends and adjacent dancers are Partners (in the formation). This is necessary for calls such as Partner Tag.

These URLs (old definitions) mention "Neighbors":


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