Round Dance ==> Miscellaneous
MP3 and CSDS
I cued for a square dance the other night and the caller used your CSDS system. I was very impressed. He said you sold the basic program and to contact you for info and price.

I already have a laptop with enough memory and I hope for your program. I have over 3000 records but use only about 400 when I travel.

The price of the CSDS program is USD $200.

The program is primarily geared towards callers, and the music portion of the program is just one part of the program.

As a round dance cuer, you probably don't really need my program. Callers, on the other hand, appreciate the music portion of the program because it can do automatic looping for patter records.

You could get by just fine by having the following:

  1. A "ripper" program such as Audiograbber to record your music, and convert it into MP3;
  2. An MP3 player. Many are available for free download from the web.

The CSDS program, on the other hand, has a few features that you may find useful:

  1. The list of music files is stored in a database, which can be sorted by title, label, etc. The database can also be used to mark your music as Phase II, Phase III, or whatever.
  2. The database also allows a cue sheet to be associated with each music file. When you load the music file into the music player, the cue sheet can automatically be displayed by clicking a button.

You don't need to worry about how much memory your laptop has, but you do need to worry about hard disk space. Although MP3 files are much smaller than WAV files, they still do take up space. One gigabyte of space can hold about 600 45-rpm records.

If you're still interested in CSDS, I could make a version of the program that only included the music section for a reduced price (perhaps US$100 or so).

More information on CSDS can be found at http://www.ceder.net/csds.php

More information about calling (or cueing) using MP3 files can be found at http://www.ceder.net/mp3.php

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