Chocolate ==> All
I think you are the best place in the www to find out if there are gluten-free chocolates in the market. I am looking desperately for gluten-free choc.

For example, the chocolates: J.D.Gross .

I live in Greece and near my neighbourhood there is a LIDL where I find these chocolates.

Is it possible for you to find out if they are gluten-free so that people (children) who can not tolerate gluten can eat them.

Most all pure chocolate is gluten-free. Unless other ingredients are added, pure chocolate can be simply cacao and sugar. Frequently additional cacao butter is added and often lecithin and/or vanilla. But that is all. It also depends upon the equipment that is used to process the product. If equipment is used that produces other products that do have gluten, then the chocolate could have traces of gluten in it. Both J.D. Gross chocolate bars that we have tried have had the following warnings on the label: "May contain traces of hazelnuts, almonds and milk solids."

Unfortunately, in this increasingly litigious society manufacturers are covering themselves by putting "may contain traces of..." just about every allergen that there currently is, putting the onus on consumers to read the wrapper and make the decision. It does not sound like there is a potential of gluten in this chocolate, or they would most likely have put that on the label as well. Take care.

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