Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Cue sheets
Label Pictures not showing up
I have an issue with the label picture showing up in the cue sheets.

I moved my installation from one computer (Windows XP) to another computer (Vista 64) and now the label picture in the right upper corner of each cue sheet won't show up. It's just a box with a red x. I have edited a couple of the cue sheets and found that the HTML code is pointing to the old location in Windows XP (C:Program Files\SQDATA\Labels\label#.gif). When I installed SQData on my Vista PC it installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\SQDATA. Now the sheets don't know where to find the label pictures. Do I have to edit each one of my cue sheets or is there a tool for this? Is there a way to fix this within CSDS?

If you don't have any (or very few) cue sheets that you've added yourself or modified, I suggest the following (which deletes then re-creates your cue sheets and lyrics):

  1. Get CSDS 1.24.00 or later.
  2. Delete all your cuesheets except for the ones that you created/modified.
  3. Run CSDS and do the following:
    1. Goto 'Music | Edit Music Database';
    2. Select ' Tools | File pathnames | Find non-existent files';
    3. Check the 'Clear cue sheet (or lyrics) field if the cue sheet (or lyric) file does not exist;
    4. Click OK;
    5. Select 'Edit | Add cue sheets and lyrics from Database...';
    6. Close the music database, saving changes.

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