Definitions ==> Calls and Concepts
Right | Left Wing Concept
I have a question about this concept. All of your examples suggest that the designated "Wing" applies to everyone. Yet many of the examples I have seen in practice require it to apply only to certain people. Examples:
  1. right wing triangle circulate (wing only applies to base, presumably wave based)
  2. right wing hourglass circulate (wing only applies to very centers)
  3. right wing diamond circulate (wing only applies to centers of each diamond)
  4. right wing chain reaction (from a normal 1/4 tag, wanting the wing to only apply to the wave).

Are these calls considered legal?

so, suppose I have the dancers in point to point diamonds and I call "right wing exchange the diamonds"? Does the "wing" apply only to the centers of each side or to all center 6 (including the very centers)?

"Wing" does apply to everyone. If you don't want it to apply to everyone, then you need to rephrase the call (e.g., "Centers work Right-Wing All Chain Reaction").

I disagree with all 4 of the above examples, particularly the Chain Reaction.

For the Diamonds, Hourglasses, and Triangles, you'll also notice that I only call Right-Wing calls when the points have their right-shoulders towards the center of their formation.

As for the Chain Reaction, it should be called as 'Centers work Right-Wing ALL Chain Reaction'. If it was just Right-Wing Chain Reaction, I'd expect both the outsides to be Beaus. In this case, I'd probably have one girl and one boy as outsides so I could say something like 'But Boys Star 1/2, Girls Star 1/4'.

As for the "right wing exchange the diamonds", if you said "Right-Wing DIAMONDS Exchange The Diamond", I'd certainly expect the "wing" to apply to each side.

If you just said "Right-Wing Exchange The Diamond", I would be strongly tempted to have the "Wing" apply to the very centers. And now that I think about it, I think I'd complain if it weren't, especially if the caller didn't clarify what he/she wanted.

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