Definitions ==> Calls and Concepts
Anything To A Wave
Do you have any problem with the following:

  1. Explode the Wave (or Line) to a Wave
  2. Snap the Lock to a Wave
  3. Horseshoe Turn, Centers to a Wave

All seem to be in line with the definition but never seem to get called. Probably Explode the Wave to a Wave is superfluous as it's simply a Lockit equivalent.

I use Snap the Lock to a Wave quite frequently but find it a bit disturbing that no-one else seems to be using it (as far as I'm aware).

Any thoughts?

I have no (definition) problem with any of the 3 cases above.

Case 1 and 3 are probably not called because they're so quick, and it'd be hard to get the entire phrase out before the dancers finished the call then realized that you said "To A Wave".

Case 1: is usually just a Lockit or Cross Lockit, or better yet, an Explode And Step To A Wave (or Touch).

Case 2: I call "Snap The Lock, Centers To A Wave" all the time.

Case 3: I've heard callers say "Horseshoe Turn, Centers 1 & 1/2". I don't necessarily like this since my definition of Partner Tag is 1/4 In + Pass Thru, and 1 & 1/2 ends Facing, not in a Mini-Wave.

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