Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Other Questions
Generate short sequences
I am wondering if I'm missing an obvious step. I ran the 'generate short sequences' under getin-getout for C2. I got a bunch but they require some clean up before they could be used. I expect some to be unusable due to hands, flow, etc. but these had a lot of extraneous info attached like the handle number etc. I've looked in the manual & the screenshot book but I still don't get a clear picture of how I go from what I have to a finished short sequence database.

There is no automatic processing to generate short sequences other than creating the large output file.

The output file must be visually examined and you must decide which short sequences you wish to save. The 'handle number' mentioned above is not a handle number but a record index of the getin or getout within the getin or getout database. The record index allows you to quickly find the record so you can update the 'used' or 'used as quickie' count if you so desire.

For each short sequence you wish to save, you will have to type it in as a new sequence.

In the future, more of this process may be automated.

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