Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Cue sheets
How do you make your cue sheets?
How do you make your cue sheets? i.e., What program you use when making up cue sheets, do you type in all the info or scan it from the record cue sheet cover, etc.

I like the way your cue sheets look and they take up less space than what I was using. I like to keep everything the same when making cue sheets and I have the ones from your site, but I need a lot more and want to make them the same.

Our cue sheets are automatically generated from our web-based Record Database, http://www.ceder.net/recorddb/view.php?action=ftt. The cue sheets are in HTML format.

Adding cue sheets is a common stumbling block for CSDS users. As such, there are future plans to allow users to create/edit the HTML-style cue sheets normally used by CSDS. But, that is in the future, so for now...

The best thing to do would be to open an existing CSDS HTML-style cue sheet and edit it with a text editor (e.g., Wordpad) to create new cue sheets.

If possible, please send us cue sheet information for all square dance records that you have that are not listed in our web-based Record Database. We will format the cue sheets, add them to the Record Database, and then you may download the cue sheets from the web. This allows everyone access cue sheets, keeps the cue sheets in a consistent format, and avoids a lot of re-inventing the wheel.

https://www.ceder.net/faqdb/viewsingle.php -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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