Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Music
Relocating music files
I'm transferring CSDS from my desktop to my laptop. One the the things that happens is that all of my music files in the music database are still referred to as C:\sqdata\mp3??.. There used to be an easy way that I could change this to D: or any other drive that it might happen to be?

There are (at least) three ways to do this:

Method #1: Export the music database, edit it (to do a global replace), then import it.

  1. Go to 'Edit music database'.
  2. From the menu, select 'Tools | Export (dump database...)' and save it somewhere.
  3. Using a text editor (e.g., Notepad), do a global replace of 'C:\' to 'D:\', save the file, and exit the editor.
  4. Within 'Edit music database', from the menu, select 'Tools | Clear contents of database'. The program will ask you to confirm your selection (twice).
  5. From the menu, select 'Tools | Import from dump', and browse to the file.

Method #2: Use the 'Replace Folder Name' function of CSDS.

  1. Go to 'Edit music database'.
  2. From the menu, select 'Tools | File pathnames | Replace Folder Name'.
  3. The 'Replace Folder Name' dialog box appears.
  4. Set 'Old folder' to 'C:\' and set 'New folder to 'D:\'.
  5. Press the 'OK' button.

Method #3: Use relative pathnames instead of absolute pathnames.

  1. Go to 'Edit music database'
  2. From the menu, select 'Edit | Settings...'
  3. Go to the 'Folders' tab.
  4. For 'Music files', enter 'C:\<mf>' where <mf> is the old music folder.
  5. Close the 'Settings' dialog box.
  6. From the menu, select 'Tools | File pathnames | Convert to Relative'.
  7. Press the 'OK' button.
  8. From the menu, select 'Edit | Settings...'.
  9. Go to the 'Folders' tab.
  10. For 'Music files', enter 'D:\<mf>' where <mf> is the new music folder.
  11. Close the 'Settings' dialog box.
  12. Optionally, from the menu, select 'Tools | File pathnames | Convert to Absolute'.

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