Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) ==> Music
Error - MusicSetTempo - Sound Rate is out of range
After starting the music player I get this message:

  Sound Rate (0) is out of range.
  Sound Rate will be reset to 1.

and the %tempo (controlls) will set to -25,0

I think, its not normal!

But if I start the music player a second time I get this message:

Run-time error '35600'
index out of bounds

and the program will be stoped.

What shall I do?

I believe I have already fixed this problem.

Please make sure that you have the latest version of CSDS.

If upgrading CSDS does not resolve the problem, please send me more information. E.g., What version of Windows are you running (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP)? Which music player are you using (Microsoft Media Player or WinAmp)? What song are you trying to load? You might try removing the song from the music database, then re-inserting it back into the database. If you still have problems, send the music file to me as an E-mail attachment.

You should also clear the quick list and the history list, as the values in these files represent the music database values when the item was added to the list.

Go into 'Edit Music Database', Look at the '% Tempo' field FOR EACH PIECE OF MUSIC in the database and make sure that the field contains a valid value (-25.0 to 25.0). If a bad value is found, fix it. Save the Music Database.

I believe the problem you describe concerns the Microsoft Media Player and it's interaction with CSDS. Hence, you might try downloading and installing the latest version of the Media Player from the Microsoft Website. If this still doesn't fix the problem, we could try replacing your version of the system file MSDXM.OCX and see what happens.

This problem can probably be 'avoided' by switching to WinAmp as the player. If you decide to do this, be sure to download WinAmp version 2.x not 3.x from the WinAmp website, as CSDS does not yet work with version 3.x.

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