MP3 ==> Tempo and Pitch
Product for pitch and tempo shifting
Do you recommend a specific product for pitch and tempo shifting or/and cleaning up the music. I am currently using GoldWave which does a good job with pitch and tempo, but it changes the tempo when I do the pitch shift and visa versa. I haven't found a good program for cleaning the music up. I currently record off of my home stereo with my Achros Jukebox MP3 and then I need to pitch or tempo shift just about every song. My Hilton 300 doesn't produce a clean enough signal. I also found recording to my laptop I couldn't get a clean enough recording (I probably need a better sound card). Of course I may not need to temp shift once I have your CSDS system, but I am sure I will still use my Jukebox.

I do not have any experience with GoldWave. I looked at their web site, nd they appear to have a good product. I use CoolEdit2000, whose functionality is probably similar to GoldWave. With CoolEdit, I go to the menu item entitled 'Transform | Time/Pitch | Stretch...'. This invokes a dialog box which allows me to do all sorts time/pitch changing (most of which I haven't tried). In any case, there is a set of radio buttons that allow me to select between 'Time Stretch (preserves pitch)', 'Pitch Shift (preserves tempo)', and 'Resample (preserves neither)'. It works fine.

When playing music via CSDS, I use the Winamp plugin 'Chronotron II' to change the tempo without changing the pitch.

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