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    Abbreviation List
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    How do I generate a list of the call abbreviations?

    1. From the CSDS main menu, select 'Parse | Edit abbreviation database';
    2. Then select 'Edit | Dump contents (by ...)';

    last modified: 27-February-2024   
    Creating a list of calls taught so far
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    Can I just make a list of calls we have learned for teaching a level?

    CSDS currently isn't good at creating filtered lists of calls.

    It can be done, but it takes a little work.

    1. Create a new list (via List | New). In the resulting 'Edit list' window, change the status to 'Add' for the level(s) you want. Click 'OK' to create the list.
    2. From the main menu, select 'List | Edit by Item'. Select the list that you just created. Use this window to select which calls are on the list (i.e., change the 'Added' field to 'YES' for calls you want on the list, and 'no' for calls that you don't want on the list).

    CSDS data - Backing-up
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    What do you do for backing-up?

    The following data should be backed up on a regular basis:

    c:\sqdata\music\*.*   [music database]
    c:\sqdata\seq\*.*     [sequences database]
    c:\sqdata\sqused\*.*  [dates database]

    If you enter a lot of getouts and/or snapshot records, you should also backup:

    c:\sqdata\squaredb\getout.dat  [getout database]
    c:\sqdata\sqproof\sqproof.db   [snapshot database]

    If you've added new calls, abbreviations, or parse data, you should also backup:

    c:\sqdata\sqlists\sqlists.dat  [lists database]
    c:\sqdata\sqabbrev\*.*         [abbreviation database]
    c:\sqdata\sqparse\*.*          [parse database]

    Other data you could backup: (I don't bother with these)

    c:\sqdata\dance\*.*                [dances]
    c:\sqdata\pictures\*.*             [pictures imbedded in sequences]
    c:\sqdata\sqlists\*.lst and *.ldf  [lists]

    Database location
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    Can you add to the Wish List:

    Configuration setting to specify where database files live

    In particular, I use a mapped-letter network drive for all of my files that live on a server and get backed-up regularly. The workstation (upon which CSDS is actually installed) doesn't get backed-up at all.

    Right now, I have to remember to manually copy the databases (such as sequences) to the network drive so they get backed up, but often I forget.

    All my other programs I simply configure to point them at a network-drive folder for creating "user-modified" files. The installation/executable files don't need to occupy space on the backups, since they can be re-installed in the event of a crash.

    But, the user-created/modified files DO need to be backed-up, and allowing the user to specify the location for database files greatly simplifies this task in typical workstation/corporate environments.

    Obviously not a high priority, but it'd be useful.

    If you use a shortcut to execute CSDS, edit the the shortcut properties to change the 'Target' field to be 'C:\SQDATA\csds.exe DIR=<folder>' where '<folder>' is the pathname of the CSDS data files (normally C:\SQDATA). Otherwise, CSDS defaults the database location to be the folder in which the CSDS executable (csds.exe) resides.

    last modified: 19-May-2006   
    Top of page Bottom of page
    How can I add call definitions to the program so when I'm on the road, I have access to the definitions?

    CSDS currently has Ceder Chest call definitions for A1 through C3B. From the main menu, select 'Other | Definitions of Calls and Concepts'. Definitions for other levels will be added as I have time.

    From our definitions page, you can find links to Callerlab PDF files. Click on one of these links, then save the PDF file to your computer so you can display it later.

    last modified: 25-May-2011   
    Desktop icons
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    I did a program upgrade. Now I have 2 icons on my desktop, one says CSDS and the other is labeled CSDS.EXE. Am I supposed to click on the .exe icon or ????

    You probably incorrectly did an executable only upgrade file. You downloaded the upgrade file to the desktop instead of to folder c:\sqdata.

    To determine which icon to use:

    1. Right-click on one of the icons;
    2. Select 'Properties';
    3. Select the 'Shortcut' tab;
    4. Check that 'Target' is 'C:\sqdata\csds.exe';
    5. If not, delete the icon.

    Run CSDS and verify that you have the correct version. If not, go back to the upgrade page, read the instructions, follow them, and try upgrading again.

    last modified: 23-February-2007   
    Generate short sequences
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    I am wondering if I'm missing an obvious step. I ran the 'generate short sequences' under getin-getout for C2. I got a bunch but they require some clean up before they could be used. I expect some to be unusable due to hands, flow, etc. but these had a lot of extraneous info attached like the handle number etc. I've looked in the manual & the screenshot book but I still don't get a clear picture of how I go from what I have to a finished short sequence database.

    There is no automatic processing to generate short sequences other than creating the large output file.

    The output file must be visually examined and you must decide which short sequences you wish to save. The 'handle number' mentioned above is not a handle number but a record index of the getin or getout within the getin or getout database. The record index allows you to quickly find the record so you can update the 'used' or 'used as quickie' count if you so desire.

    For each short sequence you wish to save, you will have to type it in as a new sequence.

    In the future, more of this process may be automated.

    last modified: 25-May-2011   
    Getout database - size mismatch
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    I've managed to get the getout database to be a different size on my laptop from my desktop. The getout database on my desktop is over 100k while my laptop is several hundred under. Is there an easy way to copy the getout database from the desktop to the laptop without messing up the index files etc.?

    Copy file C:\sqdata\squaredb\getout.dat to the laptop.

    Don't worry about copying index files since CSDS will notice if an index file is incorrect or missing and will generate a new one.

    last modified: 25-May-2011   
    Main window background image
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    I used the System/Settings and then the "Background image for main window" to change to a picture. Now I would like to revert to the blank, grey, original image. How do I do this?

    There are two ways to do this:

    1. On the main CSDS window, right-click on the background for a context-sensitive pop-up window. You now have the option to set or clear the background image.
    2. Go to Settings | Display, then clear the contents of the 'Background image for main window' edit box. (e.g., Select All, then press the Del key)

    last modified: 06-November-2007   
    Top of page Bottom of page
    I tend to multi-task a great deal and I'm concerned about exiting CSDS by terminating the task and the state that it leaves the files in. Is there any possibility of file corruption in the databases as a result of terminating incorrectly?

    There shouldn't be any problem with file corruption, as the program saves most everything as it goes (i.e., the program closes then re-opens sequence database files as each sequence is saved. This means that you would at most, only lose the current sequence (or part of it)).

    Typing completer
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    Is there a typing completer?

    No, and there won't be any within the near future. Please try to use abbreviations instead.

    last modified: 25-May-2011   

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06-March-2025 19:08:48
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