From various formations.
Replace each Arm Turn 1/2 (i.e., Swing or Slip) with a Partner Trade and
do the given call. (E.g., Two-Faced Spin The Top would start from a Two-Faced
Line and would be a Partner Trade; Fan The Top.)
Here is a partial list of calls that might be done Two-Faced at C3B:
Calls that normally start with the right hand (such as Swing Thru) become
Any Hand calls.
Cast Off 3/4 often becomes a 'Push Cast.'
The given call does not have to begin with an Arm Turn 1/2
(e.g., Two-Faced
Reverse The Top).
In calls which involve a Star (e.g.,
Relay The Top),
the Star often becomes a facing Star (or Diamond).
Do one Star Circulate (facing Diamond Circulate) for each 1/4 Turn of the Star.
Two-Faced does not mean that the starting formation must consist
entirely of Couples. It simply means that somewhere in the given call
someone will have to Replace an Arm Turn 1/2 with a Partner Trade.
For example, from a 3 & 1 Tidal setup, on a Two-Faced
Spin Chain The Line,
some dancers would start with a normal Arm Turn 1/2.
Our point is that the caller can say 'Two-Faced anything' instead
of 'Some Work Two-Faced, all anything'.