Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Tandem Couples, Mini-Wave Box, or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. EN: 10
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All 1/4 In; original Leaders move ahead to the dancer in front of them and join R-H while original Trailers adjust sideways as necessary to end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 20
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A non-T-Bone 2 x 2 ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 30
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Fra Tandem Couples:

Stack The Line
1/4 In
original Leaders move ahead
to form a R-H Box
 EN: 60
Fra en R-H Mini-Wave Box:

Stack The Line
1/4 In
original Leaders move ahead
to form a R-H Box
 EN: 60
Fra en L-H Mini-Wave Box:

Stack The Line
1/4 In
original Leaders move ahead
to form a R-H Box
 EN: 60

anyone Finish The Stack [C4]:
From Facing Couples. Those designated walk forward to the other half of the Box to join R-H with the opposite non-designated dancer. Non-designated dancers adjust as necessary to form a R-H Mini-Wave Box. Finish The Stack is the last 1/2 of Stack The Line with the designated dancers acting as the original Leads. EN: 569

Boys Finish The Stack
( = Boy)

Reverse Stack The Line [C4]:
From applicable 2 x 2. All 1/4 In; original Trailers move ahead to the dancer in front of them and join R-H as others adjust sideways as necessary to end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 916

See also Prefer CONCEPT

for a variation of Stack The LineEN: 70
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