Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

A Squared Set (also known as a Static Set) consists of 4 couples, arranged in a square pattern (aligned to the walls of the hall, if possible) such that each couple has their back to a wall and is facing in toward the center of the square. Within each couple, the Boy is on the left, and the Girl is on the right. EN: 10

Squared Set

Boys are denoted by squares, and Girls by circles. EN: 20
A black dot indicates facing direction. EN: 30

  1. Couple #1 is the couple with their backs to the caller; EN: 40
  2. Couple #2 is the couple to their right; EN: 50
  3. Couple #3 is the next couple to the right; EN: 60
  4. Couple #4 is the remaining couple. EN: 70

Couple #1 and Couple #3 are known as the Head Couples (or Heads). EN: 80

Couple #2 and Couple #4 are known as the Side Couples (or Sides). EN: 90

Your Partner is the one beside you (the one you're paired up with). EN: 100

Your Corner is the other adjacent dancer (to the Boys' left, or the Girls' right). EN: 110

Your Opposite is the opposite sex dancer directly across from you. EN: 120

The remaining dancer of the opposite sex is either your Right-Hand Lady if you're a Boy, or your Left-Hand Man if you're a Girl. These two terms are infrequently used. In old-time dancing, the Right-Hand Lady is also referred to as the Gal from ArkansasEN: 130 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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