after Leaders Split Circulate as Trailers Extend & Swing
after Centers Slip
after Centers Swing & Extend
From a 1/4 Tag:
before Scoot Chain Thru
after Extend
after Swing
after Slip
after Swing
after Extend
Styling: From Parallel Waves, Leaders can slowly do their Split Circulate
and then clap hands while the Trailers work in the middle. EN: 60
There are two different starting formations for Scoot Chain Thru.
Parallel Waves is the most common starting formation.
Therefore, be careful when starting from a 1/4 Tag formation since the
call feels different. EN: 70
From a 1/4 Tag, everyone does the 'Trailers part' as if they started from
Parallel Waves. Be sure to end in a 3/4 Tag formation:
Centers reform the center Wave, and Outsides slide together to form a Couple. EN: 80
When the starting formation is Left-handed, be sure to do the Left-hand
version of the call, ending in a Left-hand formation. EN: 90
Scoot Chain Thru is often cued as "Extend, Swing Thru, Turn Thru". EN: 100
Only the original Leaders from Parallel Waves can Roll. EN: 110
Think about what would happen (from Parallel Waves) on a
Scoot Chain Thru 1 & 1/2. EN: 120
Do a Scoot Chain Thru omitting the final Extend. Outsides (if any)
slide together to end as a Couple.
A 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Waves; Parallel Waves end in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 418
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position;
Scoot Chain Thru.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
For example, a Tag Chain Thru is a 1/2 Tag; Scoot Chain Thru. EN: 25
Cross Scoot Chain Thru[C4]:
From a 1/4 Tag.
Cross Extend
('Extend to the wrong hand'), Swing, Slip, Swing, and Extend.
Ends in an opposite-handed 3/4 Tag. EN: 420