From a Line.
Designated dancer
the first given number; new dancer
occupying designated dancer's original starting
position Ripple the next given number; repeat part 2 for each
additional given number.
Note: Rolling Ripple should be danced piece by piece. Wait
until each Ripple has been completed before starting the next Ripple.
This is especially true from Lines or Alamo Rings. For example, from a Tidal Wave,
consider a Very Ends Rolling Ripple 6 By 3.
Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n [C2] (Royce Waugh 1966):
From a Line or Alamo Ring.
Those designated start toward the Center of the Line and successively do a Partner Trade
with each dancer until reaching the far end of the Line.
Ripple n means to Trade with a total of n dancers.
n can include a fraction (e.g., Ripple 2 & 1/2 means to Partner Trade
with 2 successive dancers and then 1/2 Partner Trade with the third dancer).