Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Generalized Tandem (i.e., Front-to-Back Dancers, Back-to-Back Dancers, or Facing Dancers). EN: 10
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Right Roll To A Wave:
As one movement, Leaders Right-face U-Turn Back and all Step To A Right-Hand Mini-Wave. EN: 20
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Left Roll To A Wave:
As one movement, Leaders Left-face U-Turn Back and all Step To A Left-Hand Mini-Wave. EN: 30
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Right Roll To A Wave
Right Roll To A Wave
Right Roll To A Wave
Right Roll To A Wave

Left Roll To A Wave
Left Roll To A Wave
Left Roll To A Wave
Left Roll To A Wave


Right Roll To A Wave 3 Times:

Right Roll To A Wave
3 Times EN: 100

Teamwork is required to successfully dance Right Roll To A Wave 3 TimesEN: 110
  1. Do the first instance of the call; EN: 120
  2. Verify that the resulting formation is 'reasonable' (properly aligned, symmetric, and dancers appear to be in the correct position); EN: 130
  3. Re-evaluate your position within the new formation (determine who you will work with next, and whether you're a Leader or Trailer); EN: 140
  4. Do the second instance of the call; EN: 150
  5. Verify that the resulting formation is 'reasonable'; EN: 160
  6. Re-evaluate your position; EN: 170
  7. Do the third (and final) instance of the call. EN: 180

Latch On (fraction) [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Generalized Tandem. Right Roll to a Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 101 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.