From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers.
Leaders Right
Zing (1/4 Right and Run) as
Trailers Circulate and turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the
anything call.
Pitch direction ends in a Couple or a Mini-Wave.
| |
| before Pitch Left | | after
If no direction or anything call is given the Trailers
Circulate and do nothing else.
If a direction precedes the word 'Pitch', the Leader does the
Zing toward that direction (i.e., 'Left Pitch Right' is a Leaders
Left Zing as Trailers Circulate and 1/4 Right).
If the given direction is 'In' or 'Out', do a
1/4 In | Out (as opposed to a Face In | Out).
Pitch Right is the same as
Latch On [C3A].