Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Parallel Waves.

Orbit Circulate [C4]:
The right-most Leader of each Wave does a 'big' Zoom away from the Center of the set to end in the position diagonally behind their starting position (Trapezoid Zoom) as the others Trade Circulate. Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves.

Left Orbit Circulate [C4]:
The left-most Leader of each Wave Trapezoid Zoom as the others Trade Circulate. Note: Left Orbit Circulate is not the Mirror version of Orbit Circulate. The Trailers pass Right shoulders on both Orbit Circulate and Left Orbit Circulate. This is important on 1/2 Left Orbit Circulate.

Twin Orbit Circulate [C4]:
Leaders Trapezoid Zoom (passing right shoulders as they pass) as Trailers Trade Circulate. Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves. This call can be fractionalized into halves.

Orbit Circulate
Twin Orbit Circulate
  半途时  之后


Orbit-Board anything [C4]:
Leaders (who must be in Waves) Orbit Circulate as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 1 x 4.

Orbit-Box anything [C4]:
Leaders (who must be in Waves) Orbit Circulate as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 2 x 2.

Twin-Orbit-Board anything [C4]:
Leaders (who must be in Waves) Twin Orbit Circulate as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 1 x 4.

Twin-Orbit-Box anything [C4]:
Leaders (who must be in Waves) Twin Orbit Circulate as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 2 x 2.

参见 Trapezoid CONCEPT [C3B]. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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