From Generalized Columns of 4 (usually a 1/4 Box or Magic Columns)
or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Any Out-Facing Centers who are facing an Outside dancer do a Pass Thru with
that dancer as any In-Facing Centers diagonally Pull By (with each other) using
outside hands. EN: 20
Sometimes in the 'heat of battle', the In-Facing Centers simply
Jaywalk [C1]
(instead of outside hand Diagonal Pull By). EN: 40
The dancer's verbal response to Make Magic is 'Poof!'
Dancers who Pass Thru or Jaywalk should point at each other ('point & poof'). EN: 50
If all Centers are facing in, the conventional traffic pattern
is to have the Centers do a
Cross Trail Thru [A1]
(Pass Thru & Half Sashay). EN: 60
Make Magic is a Those Who Can movement. I.e.,
Out-Facing Centers do not move unless they are directly facing an
Outside dancer; likewise, In-Facing Ends do not move unless they are
directly facing an Inside dancer. EN: 70