Initially anyConcept anything
Do the first part of the anything call using the given
CONCEPT; then do the remainder of the anything call (i.e.,
without using the given CONCEPT).
The anything call must have a well-defined
first part.
After doing the first part of the anything call using the
given CONCEPT, re-evaluate your position within the resulting
formation and apply the definition of the remainder of the call.
Initially is a meta-concept (a concept that requires another concept as an argument).
The caller can not say Initially anything. The caller must give a concept after the word Initially.
CONTRAST THE FOLLOWING (starting from Trade By formation):
Initially Stretched Box
- Centers Pass Thru & all Zig-Zag;
all 8 Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Double Pass Thru.
Stretched Box
Centers Pass Thru & all Zig-Zag;
Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Facing Lines.
Finally Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the entire anything call applying the given CONCEPT only
to the last part of the anything call.
See also