From a Line (usually of 4) with the Ends facing the same direction.
Here Comes The Judge [C2]: The End Belle (Right-most End) do your part Ends Trade,
as the Others Run one position towards the original End Belle's position.
Ends in a Line.
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| before Here Comes The Judge | | after 1/2 | | (done) |
Everyone changes facing direction by 180°.
Here Comes The Judge is the same as
Prefer the End Belle: Out Roll Circulate.
The End Belle (also known as the "Judge") should clearly identify
so that the other dancers in the Line know toward which direction
to move. Raise your hand and make a noise (call out 'me') as you
would for an Out Roll Circulate [A2].
Some dancers remember who the End Belle is by thinking 'the Judge is
always Right' (since the 'Judge' is the Right-most end dancer).
Centers should be careful, since the 'Judge' could either
be toward their Right or toward their Left.
Sock It To Me [C2]: The End Beau (Left-most End) do your part Ends Trade, as the Others Run one position
towards the original End Beau's position. Sock It To Me is the
mirror image of Here Comes The Judge.
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| before Sock It To Me | | after 1/2 | | (done) |